Patty Hayes (15 Sep 2019)
"Well I'll be!!!"

It is all over the news at least only on the internet..which I posted on my FB page about the Noahide, Sanhedrin events in Israel, my warnings about the rebuilding of the 3rd Temple, the signing of peace with the Pope and the Grand Imam earlier this year bringing in the Interfaith, One World Religion and as well when listening on YouTube with Rabbi Weiss, the same idea of all faiths coming to Jerusalem to worship.. Wow!!

NOT ONE SINGLE BITE ON MY OWN CHURCH'S FB PAGE TO CHECK OUT MY POSTINGS OF ALL THESE THINGS!  No interest whatsoever.  What is interesting is one of the men is gathering other men together at a gun place to shoot off AK47's and AK49's.  This speaks to me of militancy Christianity and not trusting God to take care of His own.  They are also doing parties and the like and not a one watching for the Lord's return or concern of how all this will affect them.  They seem to have gone to sleep, even my roommate.  She says, "well, I'll believe it when I see it." Then off to shows that at times have "spookiness" to them at least on Sunday after church and not watching anything as of late of Christian TV.  

I am glad for all of you at fivedoves, at least here we are watching and have a concern of watching for our Savior's return and what IS happening in Israel and around the planet.  Notice I did say "Around" the planet.  Hmm, not flat planet.  

Please pray for me as I have switched churches a) for medical purposes as my health is taking deeper dives and need to be closer to home, b) more alert and alive to what is happening.  
