Neil Lipken (1 Sep 2019)
"CNN is really going after President Trump now!"

Everything the Left has tried has failed, so now CNN is doing this!   All recent Presidents----- George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Obama----- have been on the same side with the New World Order.   There has been no difference between Republican and Democrat.  The plan is to take America down in power so it will go along with a global government.   Along comes President Trump, a nationalist who wants to restore America.   The Left is furious, so now they are trying this------ Trump is mentally ill!   The last time America was this close to a Civil War was 1861.

P.S.   Unwittingly the Left (which is not very smart to say the least!) is calling for a one world government, which will eventually come to power with the rise of the antichrist, and then the most terrifying time in all of human history will follow, the 7 year Tribulation Period (Daniel 9:27)!