Joseph L (29 Sep 2019)
"What's the difference"


RE: Gino 22.09.19       What’s the difference?

The three different trees

Just as a man consist of three different parts; spirit, soul and body, God placed three different types of trees in the Garden of Eden. The first type of tree which abounded most in the Garden was mainly for the supply of food and nourishment for the body. The other type of tree of the knowledge of good and evil was food for the soul and the third type of tree of life was food for the spirit. Each part of the human constitution could be nourished by a different tree.

If Adam and Eve ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, their soul knowledge would grow and increase and they would not only get to know the good but also the evil. Until this point in the Garden, God had not exposed Adam and Eve to any type or form of evil and God had no intention of doing so. A soul armed with the knowledge of both good and evil would become more powerful and overwhelm the spirit. Such a soul would seek to become independent and not submit to the spirit, instead such a soul would want to be in charge and to control the spirit.  This was precisely the reason why God warned Adam against eating from this tree.

The original design characteristics of a man are such that God designed man to have a powerful spirit which exerted its control over the soul and the soul in turn was to have power and control over the human body. The function of the soul was to be a medium between the spirit and the body. From the very beginning God wanted to express Himself in the world through man. To achieve this objective, God who is Spirit would come into man and create His abode in the human spirit. Once living in the human spirit, God would instruct the soul to express His will through the human body. The soul in turn would instruct the body to express, reflect and manifest the desires of God the Spirit in the physical world.

So when Adam and Eve ate this fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, they corrupted the design characteristics of the soul. They contaminated the soul because they lost the power of the sound mind which they received from the spirit. Their minds became weak and their emotions became more dependent of the flesh rather than on the Spirit. Their will and power of decision was also corrupted.

There is nothing wrong with the knowledge of Good, but when the knowledge of good is combined with the knowledge of evil, this creates a toxic combination. A bit of good and a bit of evil can never produce anything good. The combination of both good and evil produces a mix that cannot obey the word of God nor be subject to God.

The tree of life was part of God’s purpose to give man eternal life. This tree of life was the tree of eternal life. This tree of life represented the life of Jesus and God’s intention was that when Adam eats the fruit of this tree, eternal life would enter his life and would renew and transform and regenerate his soul and body. The only reason why God put Adam in the Garden of Eden was so that Adam could voluntarily eat of the tree of life but when Adam refused to eat of this tree. We all know how everything turned out and how eventually we ended up been slaves to sin.

Some backround

To get to understand the story of the Garden of Eden it is important to have some background on God’s economy. Sometimes back in the Alfa eternity past, before there was the earth and the heavens and everything that existed, God decided that He wanted to build a home for Himself. This decision and desire of God to build a home for Himself is what has been driving everything in this world ever since. When God considered this matter of creating a dwelling place where He could abide for the rest of eternity, He possibly thought of all sorts of divine architectural designs and engineering considerations for this house. When all was said and done the final blue print for the house of God was a man. Of all designs and architectural types, man was the best design that God could come up with. God needed to live in a house that was alive, a house that could think, a house that could feel and a house that could exercise a free will.

So in order for God to build this house, there were so many requirements that needed to be implemented for such a creature (house/vessel) to exist. God need to create the heavens and everything in them and then create the earth and everything in it before he could create this magnificent product called man, His eternal abode. The heavens were primarily created to support the earth and the earth to support man. Once both the heavens and the earth were created, then God moved a step closer to achieving His objective when He finally created man.

The issue of free will is the main reason why man ended up in the Garden of Eden. This was also the most critical part of the design of man. God did not want to design a computer or a robot, he needed a house that can make decisions independently, accept Him or reject Him, love Him or hate him. So in His initial design God gave man a human life and not His eternal life. This human life was meant to be a temporary arrangement till man should receive the eternal life. God needed to test His house and establish its appetite for righteousness and for evil. So God deployed man in a Garden and put before this man a fruit with the life of God in it and another fruit with the life and nature of the devil in it. God wanted man to choose the fruit of life so that eternal life and regeneration could take place in man but unfortunately for all of us Adam and his wife chose the fruit of evil.

This explains the fact that the reason we must be born again and regenerated is not so much that we are sinners but that we all need eternal life. Adam needed to have eternal life even before His fall. If Adam has chosen to eat the fruit of life in the Garden, he would have received the life of Jesus, which is eternal life and he would have saved all of us the 6000 years of misery and pain that we have all been through.

The fall of Adam in the Garden delayed God’s building project. Now God had to put on hold His plans and come up first with a recovery plan. God was not going to give His precious eternal life to some evil man, and there was no way that God would allow evil and good to coexist throughout eternity. So God had to embark on this historic recovery plan which has come to be known as the salvation plan. Satan possibly thought that God would abandon His eternal mega plan of building a house for Himself. When Satan actually ensnared Eve to eat the evil fruit, he was in fact targeting to destroy God’s plan of building a house for himself. Satan’s objective even to this day is still about destroying anything to do with God’s house. The fiercest of all spiritual and physical battles in the world today are all related to the building and establishment and the work of the house of God.

Throughout human history God has more than demonstrated His desire to live with his people (man) and around his people. In the wilderness He lived in the tabernacle amongst His people, in Israel He lived in the Temple. In the New Testament, He lived in the incarnated Christ. This incarnated Christ was the first pilot project where God established His house in Man. For the first time since eternity, God had achieved His objective in part; to make man His eternal and permanent dwelling place (before this incidence God lived in a tabernacle and in the temple). Now Jesus Christ had replaced the temple of God, He Himself was now God’s temple but a lot of work still needed to be done to fully attain God’s desire. God needed to live and have His house not only in the body of one man (Jesus) but in the bodies of all men. God wanted to reproduce Himself in all men through Jesus Christ.

The only way to have God come and live inside of man as His house was to take Jesus and put Him inside every man because already God the Father was inside Jesus. So if you put Jesus inside of man, then God the Father who is already in Jesus would come inside man and so abide in man. But this task seemed impossible because Jesus had a physical body and it was impossible to take the physical body of Jesus and put it inside every man. Jesus in this case was like that tree of life in the garden only that now it was not possible to eat Him like Adam could have eaten the fruit of the tree of life in the Garden. It was necessary to have Jesus in an eatable form so that men could eat Him in the same way that you could eat the fruit of the tree of life.

This last phase of the construction of the house of God was completed when Jesus died on the cross and became a life giving Spirit. In other words, at His resurrection, Jesus Christ was transfigured from the flesh into a life giving Spirit (1 Corinthians 15:45). As Spirit, Jesus is now like the wind, He is everywhere at all times and He is able to enter and dwell in the spirit of any man who believes in Him.

God never gives up, what He started He always finishes. It is because of His desire to build a house that today we exist and are saved. Those men who do not want to be part of this house will go into perdition because they reject the very reason for which they were created. The house of God as an accomplished project will be officially launched immediately after the rapture and by the end of the millennium of Christ, this project will be fully and totally completed. From the beginning of the millennium of Christ and going into the Omega eternity, God will rule the universe out of His holy house and vessel of honor. God and man will be united as one forever into a mutual and holy dwelling place, man being the vessel of honor and God being its content.

I hope this sheds some light on the difference between the fruits of the trees in the Garden of Eden and God’s overall purpose with man. When I get to heaven I would still like to hear from Adam what really happened there between him and Eve. How could he?