John B (15 Sep 2019)
"Don't watch this video it will sour your stomach and spoil your day"

If you ever had a doubt about the integrity of our US federal government this video will galvanize that doubt.
Brings to mind a former head of the CIA who proclaimed .......(paraphrase) we will know we have accomplished our mission when everything the American people believe to be true is a lie.
There are fewer and fewer people who are proud to be Americans. The evil that permeates from our national headquarters in Washington, DC that oozes from hundreds of federal agencies is so over the top that the only conclusion a rational person could draw is that that city is indeed Satan’s headquarters........or at least one of them.
I know that there is a common belief that 911 was an “inside job” and then a massive cover-up............... this video brings great credence to those assumptions.
It has cost the United States 7 trillion dollars and the lives of 7000 of our sons and daughters and the physical and mental maiming of countless others in the wars that have ensued because of 911 that in all reality was based on lies. Not lies by our enemies but lies of our so called leaders...........the Ephesians 6:12 crowd of leaders.
I want to believe that Trump is one of the good guys sent by God to drain the swamp but deception is like an the over-riding cloud that hovers above this country. Jesus warned us about that deception......”If it were possible even the “elect”would be deceived”.
They have convinced the majority of humanity that we are spinning at over a 1000 mph and that water does not seek it’s own level (curvature of the earth / oceans) a little thing like 911 is child’s play to them. Just move on folks, nothing to see here......except maybe pure evil.
But, do not despair.........we are from the federal government and we are here to help you...................NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!