James (29 Sep 2019)
"Gino's reply to Stop Stepping On My Second Amendment."

Dear Gino thank you so much for your reply. My purpose is only to inform the folks about the impending over taking of this the last bastion of freedom in the entire world. by communism.
What Sarah Brady says about gun control. Quote, “Our task of creating a Socialist America can only succeed when those who would resist us have been Totally Disarmed.” Quoted from The National Educator Vol. 25, No. 8, January, 1994.
Our beloved constitution is still a thousand years ahead of it's time. It's not a living breathing document but it is rather written in stone. God gave the Ancient Hebrews the Ten Commandments and the Law. And God gave Christian Patriot America the ten amendments (bill of rights) and the Constitution.
Luke 22:36 ...he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.
God put that in the Bible just for this day.
If America goes down, so does all of our allies! Nobody wants that.
Gun control and self defense from a Biblical perspective.

Sincerely James Tampa Bay Fla USA