Garry B (1 Sep 2019)
"REPLY TO : Greg Wilson ( 18 Aug 2019 ) "Re: Garry B "Correctly Understanding Daniel 9:27""

REPLY TO : Greg Wilson ( 18 Aug 2019 )Re: Garry B "Correctly Understanding Daniel 9:27"

We can determine when the Two Witnesses begin their ministry from what Scripture says about when their ministry ends

Revelation 11:11-15 states that after 3 1/2 days of death they were resurrected and called to heaven. In the same hour a great earthquake happened, and the second woe is past, and the third woe is coming rapidly. THEN THE 7th ANGEL SOUNDED. 

So there you have it. The 7th angel is the last angel to sound at the end of the great tribulation. Therefore the 1,260 days of the ministry of the Two Witnesses is at the end of the tribulation JUST BEFORE THE SECOND COMING OF THE LORD, The great tribulation is 3 1/2 years not seven years.

God Bless.