Frank Molver (1 Sep 2019)
"Trump. assassination attempt and assist Israel to build Third Temple"

We had a Evangelist with a prophetic gift at my church for several days. He appeared to be quite accurate re our congregation. Anyway he shared that he met Trump in 88 and told him that he would be president, Trump gave him an autographed photo, I bet he was told that several times, he sort of knew. 
He also told us that God told him that there would be an assassination attempt on Trump, that Trump would get re elected  and also that Trump would help Israel to build the Third Temple.
Sounds crazy but I think it might be true.
If it is we are very close, could almost set your watch.
I don't think it means Trump is AC but some one else will fill that bill.
The covenant will be made with many, not just Israel.
Trump is not exactly popular with the world
But we do know who is.

Anyway shortly after that a strange painting of Bill Clinton was found at Jeffrey Epstein's place in New York. Clinton has a blue dress on that his wife wore to the Kennedy center, he had red high heals on. Above his head is a book on the shelf turned face forward that was about the Kennedy assassination. The writing on the title was backwards, like the way satanist write things backwards. Clinton is pointing his finger forward as if to say you are next. This was analyzed by an ex fbi agent
Talk about confirmation!
We are talking about an evil Cabal here.
amazing analysis starting at 22 min and 35 sec