F.M. Riley (29 Sep 2019)
"A Reminder!"

A Reminder! 

                                                                                        By Pastor F. M. Riley

                                                                                        September 23, 2019

     "For we must all appear before the judgement [Bema] seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body,  according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad."

                                                                                               2 Corinthians 5:10


     Today is the 23rd day of Elul on the Jewish calendar.  This is exactly seven days before the Jewish Festival of Rosh HaShanah, perhaps better known by many readers as The Feast of Trumpets. 

Some Brief Comments

     The Lord Jesus Himself said, "And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man," Luke 17:26. 

     In "the days of Noah" preceding the flood, the Lord God gave to righteous Noah, a seven day warning of the approaching flood that was to come upon the whole unbelieving lost world.  Is such a seven day warning  being given again, even as of today?  If so, the warning this time is of the terrible Tribulation to come upon all unbelievers left behind when the resurrection and rapture occurs. 

     Without apology, I receive the Word of God as literal truth.  Therefore, we believers today are living in the repetition of "the days of Noah" prophesied by the Lord Himself.  I certainly do believe that these seven days  could be the seven day warning before the Lord comes on Rosh HaShanah, Tishri 1, September 30th, to resurrect and rapture His believing saints to Himself, and to glory, just BEFORE the beginning of the terrible JUDGMENT of the Tribulation on those LEFT BEHIND. 

     In view of this possibility, these seven days should be devoted, as much as possible, by God's people to fasting, prayer, and witnessing to our lost loved ones, friends, and neighbors.  This week could be your last opportunity to bring those you truly care about to the saving knowledge of Christ.  If so, it will be their last opportunity to escape the  the terrible Tribulation which is coming on all of the unbelieving world. 

     I am deliberately making this warning brief, trusting that the Holy Spirit will speak to the hearts and minds of the readers.  Friends, I awoke, or was awakened, during the night with a beautiful old hymn on my mind, and I close this reminder with words from that hymn.......


"Life's evening sun is sinking low;

     A few more days and I must go,

To meet the deeds that I have done,

     Where there will be no setting sun;

Each day I'll do a golden deed,

     By helping those who are in need;

For life on earth is but a span,

     So now I'll do the best I can.   


     And may our gracious God add His blessings to this brief reminder of where we are at, and what we as believers need to be doing.

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