F.M. Riley (15 Sep 2019)
"The Progressive Redemption Of Israel and the Jewish People"

The Progressive Redemption Of
Israel and the Jewish People
                                                                                By Pastor F. M. Riley
                                                                                September 14, 2019
     ".....Blessed be the name of God for ever and ever: for wisdom and might are His:
     And He changeth the times and the seasons: He removeth kings, and setteth up kings:  He giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding:
     He revealeth the deep and secret things: He knoweth what is in the darkness, and the Light dwelleth with Him," Daniel 2:20-22

     "And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled," Luke 21:24.
     We believers living today are living in the most prophetically  significant time in human history, for we are living in "the last days" of this present Dispensation of Grace, 2 Timothy 3.   And it is about to end!
        We are living in the end of another Jewish year, a year of great prophetic significance, and we can expect the Lord Jesus Christ to come for His  Church and every true believer in just a few more days!  
     I am well aware of the wicked spirit of unbelief in the ranks of "professing" Christianity today, so now I will furnish proof of everything I have just said, using the explicit statements of God's prophetic Word, and human history over these past two centuries.    
     Those readers who are  unbelieving "professing Christians"  better grab something and  hang on, for we are going for a wild ride into the truth and reality of God's prophetic Word.  
The Regathering Of the Jewish People
    In our text Scripture in Luke 21:24, the Lord Jesus Himself clearly stated that His own Jewish people would be  "led away captive into all nations....."  But don't fail to notice that the Lord also set a time limit on their captivity; "until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled."  Well.....!!   Isn't this an interesting time limit set by the Lord?

     The Times of the Gentiles.....
which the Lord Jesus Christ spoke about has already been fulfilled!  I know this to be true, for the Jewish people are no longer held as captives in all nations.  In fact, most of the nations today don't even want the Jews within their national borders, and don't hesitate to make it known.  Matthew 24:9 has never been more applicable to the Jewish people  than it is today.    
     This is okay, for the Lord God is taking care of the Jewish people, and doing so according to the schedules He has set forth in His inspired Word.
The Beginning of Israel's Redemption
    No attempt to regather the Jewish people throughout the last 2,000 years since their dispersion, even showed any sign of being successful UNTIL 1897.  That was the year Theodor Herzel sent out word to the Jewish people all over the world, to come to  the First Jewish Congress, for  which he had made arrangements to be held in Basle, Switzerland in August, 1897.  
     From what information I have been able to gather, approximately 1,000, or possibly a few more, Jews from various nations around the world, attended that First Jewish Congress.  
     The stated purpose of the Congress was to search out a national homeland for the "wandering" Jewish people, in order for them to  establish their own nation again.  Thereby this would make it possible for Jews all over the world to come "home" to their own country and people.  Glory to God!
     Many areas were suggested, and were later looked into, as a possible site for the homeless Jewish people to establish their own nation, but for one reason or another, nothing suitable was found.  
      But that First Jewish Congress planted a longing in the hearts and minds of the Jewish people for a national "home" of their own.  And those who had attended the Congress never stopped longing until it became a reality.      
     [May I break in to suggest that the longing planted in their hearts, must have been similar to the longing in the hearts of true believers today who are holding fast to "the blessed hope" of our Lord's  soon coming to resurrect and rapture His people to glory?  Amen?]  
     On the final day of that First Jewish Congress, August, 31, 1897, as Theodor Herzel made his closing remarks to his Jewish people who had attended, he actually made the statement, heard by everyone in attendence that day......."We don't have a national homeland today, but due to the interest stirred up  at this Congress, we will have our own nation within fifty years."   
     Dear readers, Almighty God was listening!   Exactly to the day, fifty years later, on August 31, 1947, the United Nations voted to end the British Mandate over the Holy Land, and allow the Jewish people to return to their own ancient homeland and reestablish their nation.  
     Oh, glory to God!  Hallelujah!  Praise the Lord!  Dear readers, don't ever let anyone try to convince you, that we believers are not serving a true and living God.  He can and does intervene in human history, and in the lives of His people, to make "all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose," Romans 8:28.  That this vote of the UN occurred exactly fifty years to the day was not just "coincidence."
    "He lives!  He lives!  You ask me how I know He lives?  He lives within my heart! "
And Then.......
       The First Jewish Congress was adjourned.  Three years went by, bringing humanity on the earth up to 1900.  Three  points.....
     [1]   Preceding the JUDGMENT of the flood in "the days of Noah," God gave to Noah a 120 year warning.  The flood would destroy the whole world of that time, Genesis 6:3.  We believers today are living in a repetition of "the days of Noah."  The Lord Jesus Himself said so in Matthew 24:37 and Luke 17:26.
     Now begin with 1900 being the first year of a count, and count all the years up to this present time, including 2019 in your count.   How many years in the count?  Exactly 120 years.  This indicates that 2019 is a very significant year in the fulfillment of Bible prophecy.  This is an  indication that it is time for another JUDGMENT to come on "this present evil world," [Galatians 1:4], just as it did in "the days of Noah" some 4400 years ago.  But the coming judgment will not be by water, Genesis 9:9-13.    Rather, the judgment that is coming will be by FIRE.  Ever hear of the seven year  "Tribulation Period"?  Read on.....
     [2]    1900 was three years after the First Jewish Congress was convened to seek out a home for the "wandering" Jewish people.  
     "3" is the number in the Bible which signifies, "resurrection."  But in this case, whose resurrection?  1900 was the year the figurative  resurrection of the Jewish people began.  That year they began to be   raised up, as a people, out from among the Gentile nations of the earth, where they had been buried for the past 2,000 years.    Read it for yourself in Ezekiel 37:1-14.  This figurative or typical resurrection of the Jewish people, began in 1900.  
     [3]   "19" is the number in the Bible signifying, "faith."  The typical  resurrection of the Jewish people began in 1900, but this was not immediately evident.  The Jews scattered all over the world, had to exercise "faith" that God would restore their nation and their land.   
Progressive Redemption
     What we are looking at is the "Progressive Redemption of Israel and the Jewish people."  It is wonderful to be living in these "end times" where we who are true believers can visibly see the Spirit of God moving men and nations to accomplish what God prophesied in His Word would come to pass in relation to Israel and the Jewish people.     
     The next important "time" in the progressive redemption of Israel and the Jewish people was the First World War, which began in 1914, and officially ended in 1918.   But let's place our attention on 1917.  
     It was in 1917 that the allied armies under the command of General Allenbey drove the Ottomon Turks out of  the holy land.  The Ottoman Turks had been in possession of the holy land for 400 years, and would not allow a Jew to even  set foot in the land.  
      Do our readers remember that Israel, in the very beginning of their history as a nation, after being delivered out of Egypt,  was "tested" in the wilderness for 40 years.  Why?  Because of their unbelief and disobedience.   Read the account for yourself in Numbers 13-14.    
     The few Jews who had managed to return to their ancient homeland after their great dispersion in 70 A.D. were driven from the land again in 1517 by the Ottoman Turks.  The Ottoman Turks then occupied  the holy land for the next 400 years.  
     Think about this!  After the Jews were delivered out of the land of Egypt, they refused to believe God,  and had  to "wander" in the wilderness for 40 years.   Then 2,000 years ago, they refused to believe their God appointed Messiah [Deuteronomy 18:15], and crucified Him.  But just as He had predicted in Matthew 24:1-2, the Temple was destroyed, and the Jews were driven from their land in 70 A.D. and were scattered all over the world.  Over many centuries a few managed to return to their land, but sadly, those few who returned were still in unbelief.  Therefore in 1517 they were driven from their land again, and the Ottoman Turks occupied the holy land for the next 400 years.       
     400 years is ten times forty.  10 X 40 = 400.   Quite a price to pay for their  unbelief, and their rejection of God's  Son as their Messiah and Savior.      
     The Holy Land was then held in possession of the Ottoman Turks for 400 years.  But in 1917 the Turkish army was driven from the holy land by the advancing armies of General Allenbey. Allenbey was the Commander of the Allied forces in the First World War.  His army  drove the Turkish forces out of North Africa, and into the Middle East.  The Ottoman Turks retreated before the advancing forces of Allenbey, all the way to Jerusalem.  There they "dug in," vowing to fight to the death rather than  giving up Jerusalem.   But our gracious God had other plans.
     General Allenbey knew that the entire city of Jerusalem would be destroyed in the fighting if his army invaded the city.  So he wrote a letter to the Commanding General of the Turkish forces, demanding the immediate surrender of the whole Turkish army, and sent it to him under a flag of truce.  Since Allenbey was a "lord" back in the royal court in England, he signed his letter as "Lord Allenbey."  The ignorant Turks were Muslims who worship Allah, and they actually  thought they were receiving a  letter from Allah, demanding that they surrender.  
     At the same time the first two airplanes ever used in war, were flown over the city of Jerusalem.  Those early planes had no mufflers on their powerful engines, and the sound made by the engines of the  planes vibrated off the sides of the mountains near Jerusalem.  The superstitious Turks had never seen airplanes, and didn't have a clue what they were.  But the letter and the terrible deafening roar being made by two strange creatures flying over their heads convinced them that the planes were "death angels" and they were about to be destroyed.
      The entire Turkish army, "dug in" at Jerusalem, abandoned their weapons and ran through the streets of Jerusalem, and out of the city  headed  north towards  Turkey, screaming and crying in absolute terror, and  begging Allah as they ran,  to please show mercy and spare their lives.   General Allenbey then rode into Jerusalem on a white horse, and not a shot was fired.  The people still living in Jerusalem at that time thought Allenbey was the Messiah, and they bowed in the streets and pleaded  for mercy.  
     Now any of our readers who   think all of these connected events were just "coincidence,"  likely need to have their head examined to see if their brain is still working.  
      Also any of our readers who think this is a wild fictional story, then turn in your Bibles and read Isaiah 31:5.  The Lord God, who alone knows the future, knew that this would happen, and so inspired His prophet,  Isaiah, to write about it hundreds of years before it was fulfilled.   What a mighty God we believers serve.  Give Him glory!  
     So in 1917, the holy land, which had been held captive by the heathen Turks, was delivered out of their hands.  The old League of Nations, as the UN was then called, voted to place the holy land under the control of Great Britain.  Great Britain accepted care over the land, and there it remained until that wonderful day, August 31, 1947, when the United Nations voted to allow Israel and the Jewish people to return to their ancient homeland, and reestablish their nation.  Glory to God!  
     Note that it was exactly 30 years from the time Jerusalem was recovered by General Allenbey in 1917 until the UN voted to release the land to the Jewish people in 1947.  I would also point out that 1947 was exactly fifty years after 1897, when Theodor Herzl began his attempt to find a homeland for his people.  
     It is also  interesting to note, that the armistice agreements ending the First World War were not signed until one year later in 1918.  Even so, the modern nation of Israel did not become a reality until one year later in 1948.   So it was 30 years from the end of the First World War until the modern nation of Israel became a reality.       
     Is all this just "coincidence," or do our readers see the hand of God in  it all?  Be careful!  God is listening!  Matthew 12:36-37.  
     By God's grace, let me give our readers even more.....  
     "30" is the number in the Bible signifying, "blood."  Was this a warning to Israel?  The day following the rebirth of their nation, they were forced to go into a bitter "war of independence," due to the Muslim nations around the holy land who absolutely did not want the nation of Israel reestablished.  Of course Israel won their war of independence and became a nation among the nations of the world.   Modern Israel has won all of their wars, and will continue to do so.  Why?  Because God fights for them.  Read it for yourself in Zechariah 12:6.  
     The date Israel was established as a nation in these "end times"  was May 14, 1948.  On this date God was really displaying His love and care for Israel.....
     May is the fifth month of the year on the Gentile calendar used by many nations today.  "5" is the number in the Bible signifying, "Grace; the grace of God."  
     Israel was reestablished on the 14th day of May.  "14" is the number in the Bible signifying, "Salvation and/or deliverance."  
     The year was 1948.  As previously noted in this study, "19" is the number in the Bible signifying, "Faith; to believe."  
     Also "48" is the number in the Bible signifying, "Tabernacle; dwelling place."  
     No, I'm not finished with the numbers.....
     5 + 1 + 4 + 1 + 9 + 4 + 8 = 32.  "32" is the number in the Bible signifying, "Covenant."  Now did God make an "everlasting covenant" with Abraham and his "seed," or did He not?   See Genesis 17:7-8.  When Israel became a nation again, in their own ancient homeland, was God's Covenant with Abraham at work?  Every reader should know the answer.  
     Now let't take note of the next three events in the Progressive Redemption  of Israel and the Jewish people.  
     1956.......The Suez Canal War.            Israel won!  
     1967.......The Six Day War.                   Israel won!  
     1973.......The Yom Kippur War.         Israel won!  
     Counting their war of Independence in 1948-49, this makes four wars some Gentile nations have waged against Israel in the past 71 years, with Israel winning every war.  By the way, Israel's 70th birthday as a nation was on May 14, 2018.  
     "70" is the number in the Bible signifying, "The restoration of Israel."  Now dear readers, pay careful attention!  This year, 2019, is Israel's 71st year as a modern nation.  Why hasn't Israel been restored to the right fellowship with their God?  
     Hey, this year isn't over yet!  This present year is the 120th year, in relation to the warning given to Noah, and the Lord Himself said, "and as it was.....so shall it be," Luke 17:26.
The Redemption of Israel  
     I have just pointed out to our readers the meaning of the number, 70.  
     "7" is the number in the Bible signifying, "To complete; finish, fill up, fulfill, bring to completion.  But 70 signifies, "the restoration of Israel."  So why hasn't Israel spiritually turned back to God?  Well.....
     "1" is the number in the Bible signifying, "Unity; to unite; to be united."  Think about this!  
     This is Israel's 71st year as a nation in these "last days."   The two numbers signifying restoration and unity have been  brought together in this 120th year of warning.  Is the Lord God trying to show His people something?  Indeed He is!  
     Now read Revelation 7:1-8.  In this chapter, AFTER the rapture has occurred as typified  in Rev. 4:1-2, but BEFORE the judgments of the Tribulation begin to be poured out on those LEFT BEHIND, as clearly stated in Rev. 7:1-3,  there will be 144,000 of the Jewish people who will turn to and receive the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior; redeemed by the blood of Christ, shed at Calvary so long ago.
The Salvation of the 144,000
    Notice that this is 12,000 out of each of the 12 tribes of Israel explicitly named in Rev. 7:4-8.    
     Dear readers, God Himself dealt with  the whole nation of ancient Israel as only 12 tribes.  Actually there were 13 tribes, but the Lord God explicitly set aside the tribe of Levi, telling Moses that they were not to be numbered as one of the tribes of Israel, Numbers 1:47-49.  So, throughout their history, Israel as a nation,  has always been spoken of in God's Word as the  twelve tribes of Israel.   
     However, time and circumstances sometimes make a change necessary.   In the list of the twelve tribes "redeemed" by God in Rev. 7:4-8, the Lord God Himself removed the tribe of Dan, and in place of Dan  inserted the tribe of Levi.  Now why will God do this?  
     I remind our readers that it was the tribe of Dan which first introduced IDOLATRY into the nation of Israel, Genesis 49:17; 1 Kings 12:25-30.  God HATES idolatry, Exodus 20:2-6.   Therefore, while the 12 tribes listed, will be under the special protection of God during the first half of the Tribulation, there will be no special protection upon the Jewish people who are the descendants of the tribe of Dan.   They will have to suffer right along with the Gentiles during that time.   
         When the 144,000 Jews out of the 12 tribes listed are saved and sealed, the redemption of Israel will have come to pass, for the 144,000 [12 tribes] are representative of the whole nation.     To God be the glory!  Praise the Lord!   Israel will have been "redeemed."
     Two Truths Commonly Overlooked
     [1]   The Jews living in Israel today, even though unbelieving in relation to Christ and Christianity, are quite familiar with the Gospel of Christ.  By radio, TV, and missionaries, they have heard the "Christian" message over and over again. There are now even a few Messianic Jewish churches in Israel, preaching Christ Jesus to their own people..  So the Jews in Israel today are certainly aware that New Testament believing Christians teach faith in Jesus Christ as God's only "way" of salvation; and that the Lord Jesus promised His Church that He would come again, and resurrect and rapture His people to glory.  The common reaction to this by religious Othodox Jews is total unbelief.  They don't believe that the Lord Jesus was the Messiah promised to them in their own Old Testament Scriptures, Deut. 18:15.  They do believe that the rapture is a fantasy!  
     Now here is the amazing thing!  They are so fervent in their unbelief of these "Christian" teachings, that when the resurrection and rapture occurs RIGHT BEFORE THEIR EYES, [Matthew 24:40; Luke 17:34-37; Isaiah 40:31], it will be the greatest witness to the Jews in Israel of the truth of the Gospel of Christ, that one can even imagine.   Glory!  
      Then, exactly as set forth  in Revelation, chapters 4 through 7,  following the rapture, 144,000 presently unbelieving Jews will be smitten in their hearts, just like Saul was in Acts 8, and in instant repentance and faith, will give their whole hearts and souls to Christ in believing faith.  Oh glory to God!
     The question is posed in the Old Testament, "Shall a nation be born at once? For as soon as Zion travailedr she brought forth her children," Isaiah 66:8. Didn't Paul say something about being "a pattern" for his people? 1 Timothy 1:16.
     [2]   At the very time the rapture occurs, "God's Two Witnesses," Elijah and John, will also appear in Jerusalem preaching Christ.  What a witness that will be, and an incentive for the Jewish people to receive the Lord Jesus as their Messiah and Savior, and 144,000 of them will do exactly that.   Praise the Lord!   
     Dear readers, I am writing and posting this study on the 14th day of September.  I make no claim to knowing the exact day the Lord Jesus is coming to resurrect and rapture His people to glory.  Yet many things about this month of September, appear to be pointing to the resurrection and rapture occurring on Rosh HaShanah, Tishri 1, September 30th of this present year.  Folks, that is only 16 days from today.  If  the rapture should occur on that date, would you be ready?  
     Or would you be one of those LEFT BEHIND to face the terrible judgments, and the wicked persecution, which will occur during the seven year Tribulation that will follow the rapture?  
    If our gracious Lord will permit me to borrow a statement from one of His prophets,, and apply it to America today, and to our readers, I will close this study by saying,  O America, America!.....  
     "How long halt ye between two opinions?  If the lord be God, follow Him; but if Baal, then follow him."  1 Kings 18:21.  
     Is the reader a true believer, saved and ready to meet the Lord?  John 3:16-18 and 3:36 are still in the Bible.  Read them and take heed!    
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     A Personal Note:  
     I am still sending and receiving emails, and answering those which I feel a need to answer.  However, this is very likely my final Bible Study.  My eyes are deteriorating fast, and I can hardly see the computer screen to write.  I am so ready for our Lord to come for us.   
     In the love of Christ Jesus,

                    Pastor F. M. Riley