F.M. Riley (15 Sep 2019)
"Yes!  I did make an Error!"

Yes!  I did make an
An Honest and Sincere Apology
                                                                                            By Pastor F. M. Riley
                                                                                           September 13,2019
          "For there is not a just man upon earth, that doeth good, and sinneth not," Ecclesiastes 7:20.
     For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God," Romans 3:23.  
     These Scriptures remind us who are true believers, that we are all still living in our bodies of flesh with a "sin nature," and are therefore  subject to making mistakes and errors, and in times of extreme trials,  we might even SIN.  I thank and praise God for His mercies!
My Sincere Apology  
     Yes, dear readers, in my last study entitled "The Prophetic Significance of September, 2019, I made a glaring error.  
The Full Moon in September
     I stated that there would be a full moon on Sept 23rd-24th, and that it would be a blood moon.  TOTALLY WRONG!  I had several readers send me emails pointing out my error.  I want to say right here that I appreciate the emails calling this error to my attention.  I am wide open to receiving correction when I have made an error.  Just do it in the love of Christ with a true Christian spirit..   I do ask forgiveness from my readers for my glaring error.   My mistake was certainly not intentional.  
      I made the error because I was depending upon a report that I had received, which stated that the full moon would occur on the night of the 23rd and 24th, and claimed it would be a blood moon.   The report was completely wrong, but at the time I had no way of knowing it.  I again apologize to my readers for not checking the report out more
carefully  before writing.
     Indeed there will be a full moon in this month of September.  But the correct dates for it are the night of September 13-14.  In othe words, it will occur TONIGHT, and will appear to remain full for the next two or perhaps three nights.  It will not be a blood moon.  We have already seen a number of blood moons in the past few years.   With the Sun becoming black earlier in this year, the prophecy of Acts 2:20  has been literally fulfilled, and unbelieving mankind is now facing "the day of the Lord." the terrible Tribulation period.  But thanks be unto God, we who are true believers are also now facing the resurrection and rapture.
 ,  Please forgive me and pray for me.  No one feels worse about the error than I myself.
The Date of Rosh HaShanah  
     However, my entire Bible study certainly wasn't wrong, or filled with errors.  A couple of believers wrote telling  me that claiming that Rosh HaShanah will be on September 30th is also wrong.   They claim that it is the day "no man knoweth," and is totally dependent upon two or more Jewish witnesses seeing the first faint sliver of the new moon.
     Hogwash!  It just isn't so!  
     I am not responsible for what the Jews teach or practice today.  But the observance of the Feast of Trumpets, commonly referred to today as Rosh HaShanah was established hy God Himself some 3,400 year ago when He gave His Law to Moses for the children of Israel.  Read it for yourself in Leviticus 23:23-25.   
    The Jewish Festival of Trumpets is always on the first day of the 7th month; Tishri on the sacred calendar given to Israel by God Himself in Exodus 12.  It has been that way for the past 3,400 years, and it is still that way in God's Word.  PERIOD!   I refuse to take responsibility for what  additions or changes the Jewish priests and rabbis have made to God''s Word.  A careful study of the Gospels will reveal that the unbelieving priests were making changes to the Word 2,000 years ago at the First Coming of Christ, and apparently the rabbis today are still doing it.   
     There is not a thing said in God's Word about Rosh HaShanah being observed on the day two priests or their appointed witnesses see the first little sliver of the new moon.  Such a claim was "invented"  by the priests or rabbis sometime during the past 2,000 years, and I have no apology to make for their unscriptural additions.
     Rosh HaShanah this year will begin on the evening of September 29th, Israel time, and will be observed on the day of  September 30th whether it fits the Jews corruptions or not.    God's inspired Word says so!  According to God's inspired Word, it always falls on the first day of the 7th month of Tishri, whether the priests and rabbis like it or not.  Now are our readers going to accept Leviticus 23:23-25, spoken by GodHimself at face value as literal truth, or not???  
The Seven Day Warning    
     One of the main points in my study was that from Elul 23, September 23rd, to Rosh HaShanah is exactly seven days.  I stand by that statement, and continue to consider those days as a possible [?] seven day warning, similar to that given to Noah in Genesis 7:4.   
     Dear readers, you have my honest and sincere apology for the mistake I did make.  If any reader does not feel that my apology is sincere, I remind our readers that it is God who searches and knows the hearts of all of us, and Matthew 7:1 is still in the Bible. .  Plain enough?   
    May God's blessings rest upon every reader is my prayer.  I hope to meet every reader in glory when the rapture occurs, and I truly hope it occurs on this coming Rosh HaShanah.
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