F.M. Riley (15 Sep 2019)
"The Prophetic Significance Of September, 2019"

The Prophetic Significance Of
September, 2019
                                                                                     By Pastor F. M. Riley
                                                                                     September 9, 2019
     ".....Blessed be the name of God for ever and ever; for wisdom and might are His:
     And He changeth the times and the seasons:  He removeth kings, and setteth up kings:   He giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding:
     He revealeth the deep and secret things: He knoweth what is in the darkness, and the Light dwelleth with Him," Daniel 2:20-22.  
     In my 85 years of life, I have never previously seen such a wonderful month as this present month of September.  It is an amazing month, and I have strongly felt that our readers needed to know about it.  Hence, this study.  May our gracious Lord God add His blessings to it.......
     In all of my years of Bible Study, and the study of Bible prophecy, I cannot remember any previous year, where a month on the Gregorian calendar, and a month on the Jewish calendar were in  perfect synchrony with each other.  But they are this month.  
     This month of September is the 9th month of this year of 2019 on our calendar.  It is also the month of  Elul, the 6th month of the year on the Jewish calendar.   And each day of these two months match day by day.  
     Sept 1st - Elul 1.  Sept 2nd - Elul 2.  Sept. 3rd - Elul 3, and so on throughout the month until the matching dates end on Sept 29th, which is the last day of the Jewish month of Elul..   
     Why is this so important, that I am moved to write a Bible study on this fact?    I'm so glad you ask!  
     September 30th is the first day of the Jewish month of Tishri, the 7th month on the Jewish calendar.  The first day of Tishri, every year, is the Jewish Festivcal of Rosh HaShanah.   Some refer to it as The Feast of Trumpets.  The first day of the Jewish month of Tishri, always marks the beginning of a new year on the Jewish calendar.  Their year will change from 5779 to 5780,  and the change will be noted by the observance of the blowing of trumpets throughout the entire day.  
     Of course the Jews begin each new day at sundown or 6 p.m. on the previous day.  So the first day of Tishri this year; Rosh HaShanah.....,  will actually begin at sundown on September 29th.  
     The Lord Jesus explicitly said, "And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man," Luke 17:26; Matthew 24:37.  According to this statement of the Lord, we believers living today, are living in a repetition of "the days of Noah."  
     In the actual "days of Noah" that preceded the flood, God explicitly gave to righteous Noah a seven day advance warning of the terrible JUDGMENT of the flood, that was to come on the wicked, Genesis 7:4.  And remember, the Lord said, "as it was.....so shall it be."    Well, guess what?  
     The 23rd day of Elul, falling on September 23rd on our calendar, is exactly seven days before Rosh HaShanah this year.  And.......
     "23" is the number in the Bible which signifies, "death."  Now what is the seven year Tribulation Period except the JUDGMENT of death upon millions of Christ rejecting, God hating, wicked, people living on the earth today?    I repeat.....September 23rd is exactly seven days before the Jewish Feast of Trumpets; Rosh HaShanah.  
AND OH YES.......
     Lets not forget that  September 23rd is the first day of the Fall season, and that night  there will be a full moon.  And according to the astronomers, it will be a blood moon; totally blood red.  Hello!
     It was the Lord Jesus Christ who said, "And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring," Luke 21:25.   
     Then in Acts 2:20 we read, "The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and notable day of the Lord come."  
     A few weeks ago, there was a disturbance in the Sun, and the result was that for a short time, just a minute or two, the light of the Sun went out;  totally dark right in the middle of a bright sunshiny day here in Missouri.   
     Now on the 23rd of Elul [Sept. 23rd], there is going to be a blood moon.  And it is going to take place exactly seven days before Rosh HaShanah.  
     Does all of this mean anything to our readers?  I think it should, if the reader is truly a "born again" Christian believer, John 3:3-7; 3:16-18.  
     According to Jewish reckoning, Rosh HaShanah will begin at sundown, or 6 p.m. on the evening of September 29th.  Now isn't this interesting?  September is the 9th month on our Gregorian calendar, and Rosh HaShanah begins on the evening of the 29th at 6 p.m. in Israel.  Due to the International Date Line, Israel is ahead of us in time, so calculate the difference for your own time zone.  
     "9" is the number in the Bible signifying, "the Spirit; the will of the Spirit."   
     "29" is the number in the Bible signifying, "To depart; leave; go out."  
      But now let's add the 9th month of September, and the 29th day of September together, and we see that the total is 38.  
     "38" is the number in the Bible signifying, "righteousness."  When the rapture occurs, all true believers will bodily and visibly put on the righteousnes of Christ, Philippians 3:20-21; 1 John 3:1-2.  It now appears that the rapture is staring us in the face, and will occur in just a few more days.  Mark Sept. 29th - 30th on your calendar.  Glory!
     Are all of these things just "coincidence," or is our gracious Lord trying to forewarn His people to prepare themselves for His glorious coming to resurrect and rapture His people to glory, on Rosh HaShanah, September 29th or 30th, of this month and year?  Ready?     
   It was in 1988 that the "Rapture 88" movement captivated the minds of God's people all over the world, and many earnestly believed the  Lord was coming to resurrect and rapture His people to glory, on Rosh HaShanah that year.   It didn't happen!  
      Because it didn't, many "professing Christians" gave up the hope of the literal return of the Lord Jesus Christ.  This, in spite of the inspired admonition in Titus 2:11-15, that God's GRACE teaches true believers that we are to always live "looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ."  
     Dear readers, there is just a slight difference in the length of a year on the Gregorian calendar and on the Jewish calendar.  Because of that slight difference, it has been 31 years since Rosh HaShanah, 1988, on our Gregorian calendar.  But it will be almost 32 years on the Jewish calendar.  Wow!  Is God precise or not?  
     "32" is the number in the Bible signifying, "Covenant."  Dear readers, it appears that this year on Rosh HaShanah, September 30th, the Lord Jesus Christ is coming to fulfill the "new testament" [Covenant] He made with His Church and people as recorded in Matthew 26:26-28.  
     Oh, glory to God!  Hallelujah!  Praise the Lord!  
It Has All Come Together!
     The  "times of the Gentiles" have been fulfilled.....
     [1]   The Gentile and Jewish calendars are in perfect agreement on the dates this year of 2019.
     [2]   The Jewish people are no longer in captivity.
     [3]   Jerusalem is no long trodden down by the Gentiles.
     [4]   The modern nation of Israel has been reestablished.  
     [5]   Israel has reached and observed their 70th year as a nation.
     [6]  The "days of Noah" have been and are being repeated.  
     [7]   The 120 year warning has been fulfilled as of this year.
     [8]   A seven day warning is set forth in this very month.    
     [9]  The Sun has  been  darkened, and a blood Moon will appear in the heavens on Sept. 23rd-24th.  
     [10]  Rosh HaShanah has long been considered to typify the rapture by many  of God's people, and it is coming again this month.  
     [11]  Rosh HaShanah begins on the evening of Sept. 29th.  
Are our readers ready for the Rapture?
Or will YOU be left behind when the Trumpet sounds?
2 Peter 1:10-11  
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