Fay (29 Sep 2019)
"The Hidden Yom Tov"

Hi John and Doves,

I found this teaching very eye opening. This wonderful Messianic Rabbi reveals wonderful depths into the significance of Rosh Hashanna. Stuff that only a Jewish mind-set ponders on. SO inspiring.  The way he links Messiah Jesus to the Rams Horn (Capital letters on purpose) blew me away. The Rabbi reminds us that Rosh Hashanna signifies the day "the trial begins". Yom Kippur is when when judgement is passed. Yom Kippur concludes the trial. After watching this, my eyes are focused on Yom Kippur. Of course, I am praying that we will be raptured before. Watching this video teaching matured my soul. Enlightened my spirit. 

How our hearts and souls yearn for you, LORD Jesus. Please come soon, beloved Saviour. We beg you to begin the process of eradicating all evil. Bringing humanity into your Grace. Into your spiritual purity. Into your presence..

Rosh Hashanah: The Hidden Yom Tov