Fay (15 Sep 2019)
"The Glory of God Departing?"

Not just departing America, may I add. The Glory of God is not seen in Europe. The once great cities of Europe have become lawless and dirty. Grubby and riddled with crime, drugs and murder. The downfall of Europe has been rapid. We have been infested with the evils of radical Islam. Tolerating all that is evil and calling it good. The few Bible believing Christians left are not effective against this insidious evil. Because we have given way too much. Tolerating evil as if it has nothing to do with us. Making excuses for it - cutting it huge amounts of slack.

We are all still doing it !! Knowing Almighty God;s will, we have no business excusing evil. Even on paper. Just because we quite like someone. This is madness. We are supposed to be the salt of the earth!!! These end days are NOT the time to be luke warm, placid and accepting of anything but God's will. Anything less is simply not good enough.

The article below explains it all s much better.

Is The Glory Of God Departing America?