Elliot Hong (29 Sep 2019)
"Tishrei 2, 3, 4"

Dear Doves:

When Rev 12 sign appeared on 9/23 2 years ago, it was Tishrei 3.
2 means Separation and Division.
Tishrei 3 begins from the sunset of Tishrei 2.
Tishrei 3 in USA is Tishrei 4 in Israel.
Tishrei 2, 3, 4 fit to Vincent Tan's $2.34.
7 days from Tishrei 4 is Yom Kippur.
Yom Kippur was the day when Moses came down with the second tablet and his face was radiant.
Passover concludes on Yom Kippur through Shavout.