Chance (1 Sep 2019)
"Bible Code:  Month of Elul - Gog War"

Hello John and Doves,

Rabbi Glazerson has a video on Bible codes about Elul 5779.

"Month Elul Zodiac Virgo 5779", August 29, 2019

He found "5779", "Elul", "GOG", "the War", "with Iran", "son of Jesse", "Islam" and numerous other interesting words in the codes for the month of Elul, 5779.

On the torah calendar, Elul ends on August 30/31.  On the chabad calendar, Elul ends on Sept 28/29.  (Dates are not new moon sightings...yet.)

The month following Elul is Tishrei - starting with first day being Feast of Trumpets/Rosh Hashanah/Yom Teruah. 

I believe the Rapture will happen before the Gog War takes place.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!

