Tony Ellsworth (30 Sep 2018)
"meaning of 2018 Atlantic hurricane names"

Doves, I frequently take a look at the hidden message in the name meanings for the hurricane season for the Atlantic.  Here is what I found for this year.

2018 Atlantic Hurricane names
name meaning
Alberto noble and  bright
Beryl semi precious stone, eighth stone mentioned in revelation
Chris follower of christ
Debby bee
Ernesto serious
Florence flowering in bloom
Gordon debated - hill or spacious fort, place name
Helene sun, sun ray, Helen of Troy
Isaac laughter
Joyce happy
Kirk church
Leslie holly garden or castle
Michael who is like God?
Nadine hope
Oscar deer lover or spear of the gods
Patty noble  
Rafael God has healed
Sara princess or soul
Tony worthy of praise or flourishing/flowering
Valerie powerful
William resolute protector