Steve Coerper (30 Sep 2018)
"Re: October 9th"

Dear John -

Paul said “at the last trump” – another little enigma.  “Last” implies at least one trump preceding.  Which trump?  When??  Is there a “first” trump, a “last” trump and then the “great” trump??  Was the first trump at Sinai??  Or is the first trump at Rosh ha’ Shannah?

You’ve probably pondered also.  Suffice to say, our departure has something to do with a trump, so I’d tentatively suggest that there are some days that are not good rapture candidates.  Oct. 9 seems like a good day for the final “week” to begin, however, so I’m tentatively suggesting that there is a short span of time between the rapture and Daniel’s 70th week.

Sep. 30 – last day of Sukkot

Oct. 1 – Shemini Atzeret – last trump

Oct. 2 – Simchat Torah – sealing of 144,000 (fulfillment of Revelation 7:3-8)

Oct. 7 – Revelation 12:4 sign

Oct. 9 –  Confirmation of the Covenant (Daniel 9:27) - 1,335 days before Shavuot June 5 2022 (Daniel 12:12)

Oct. 13 – Parashat Noach

I can imagine a 7-day period between the sealing and the confirmation.  I expect that being sealed by God would be as traumatic as Ezekiel’s experience when he first met Jehovah, and it took Ezekiel a week to recover (Ezekiel 3:15).

I updated - share the link; share the love!

NOTE:  I am NOT “setting a date” – I’m just laying out a possible scenario.  I still have a bit of a bad taste from last July when there were high expectations, a good “fit” with the data …. And no rapture.   So I’m fully aware that we might be here for a few more months, or even years.  <shudder!!>

Hope to see you soon.




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