Neil Lipken (30 Sep 2018)
""USA Today" Warns: You Will Get Microchipped"

REVELATION 13:16 & 17 King James Bible        "And he (this is a reference to the "false prophet" in the Book of Revelation) causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark IN their right hand, or IN their foreheads:  and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."

Did you catch that?   Perhaps you should read these verses again.   The "mark" is placed either IN the right hand or IN the forehead!   Late in these End Times the microchips that are currently in credit cards will ultimately be placed IN the right hand or IN the forehead.   This economic system of buying and selling will be implemented soon after the upcoming Rapture.   Those left here after the Rapture will be given a mandatory choice------ either take the "mark" or be killed.   Those who take the "mark" will be bound to Satan for eternity, and when they die they will go to Hell and later the Lake of Fire.   Those who refuse the mark and accept Christ, though they are killed, they will arrive in Heaven upon their death.   When John was given these verses late in the first century on the Greek island of Patmos, he could not possibly have known what they meant!   But today thanks to Daniel 12:4 (that knowledge, and that is technical knowledge, will increase at the time of the end) we now know what these verses mean.

This is one of very many indicators that the time of the Rapture draws near!


P.S.    Prior to 1948 when the State of Israel was established, the last time the Jewish people were a free, independent people was 721 BC when Assyria came down from the north and took the northern ten tribes of Israel captive.   That was 2669 years prior to 1948!   That is a very long time ago!   We think of the American Civil War as a long time ago, but that was only a little more than 150 years ago!   In 1948 we entered what the Bible calls the "End Times" of this present dispensation of time (the Church Age).   We are now more than 70 years into this period of time, and the "parable of the fig tree" in the Bible tells us that the generation to see Israel's return will see all end time events fulfilled.   There is coming a Middle East peace treaty (it will be a FALSE peace) between the Israelis and Palestinians and other nations (at least many Arab Sunni nations, the E.U, and the U.S.).   But first the Rapture is going to happen, and then the antichrist will appear on the global stage and make this false peace (Daniel 9:27).   I believe very strongly this coming false peace will encompass a Palestinian State in trade for Israel's right to build the Third Temple.   The Holy Spirit showed me this back in 1980, and I have been teaching this for 38 years.   The false peace (again, Daniel 9:27) will begin a 7 year period known as the Tribulation Period, and it is during this time that the "mark of the beast" will become mandatory for all financial transactions.   At the conclusion of the Tribulation Period will be the Second Coming of Israel's Messiah, Who is Christ, and He will bring the true peace to the Middle East.

P.P.S.   One must understand that the temporary god of this world (Satan) absolutely HATES Israel!   Those who have not accepted Israel's Messiah (Christ) as their Lord and Savior are under Satan's dominion, and they take on this intense hatred for Israel and the Jewish people (anti-semitism).   That is why the nations of this world hate Israel.   God loves Israel, and has established her as a "beach head" on planet earth (1948).   One might compare this to the Normandy invasion in WW II when the allies established a beach head in continental Europe to ultimately defeat Hitler.   And when the final events of these End Times are fulfilled, Jesus (a Jew) will rule on the throne of King David in Jerusalem over the entire earth for the next 1000 years.   What happens to Satan?   At the Second Coming he will go to an abyss in Hell, and at that same time the antichrist will go directly to the Lake of Fire, which is a separate location from Hell.

P.P.P.S.   In the years ahead many Jewish people will come to know their true Messiah (He is described in many places in the Old Testament), and at the Second Coming Israel will finally receive her long-rejected Messiah.   Israel's temporary rejection of Christ and spiritual unbelief is prophesied many places in both the Old and New Testaments.   By the way, the name "Christ" simply means "Messiah".

P.P.P.P.S.  (I am about to run out of "P's"!)    Please feel free to send this e-mail to all of your friends far and wide!   People need to wake up to the truth of the Bible and what is happening in the world right now!   If you do not know me, my name is Neil Lipken.   I am what is known as a "Messianic Jew" or "Jewish Christian".   I accepted our Jewish Messiah back in 1979 as my Lord and Savior, and since 1980 I have been in ministry teaching end time Bible prophecy.   I have taught in many churches throughout the state of Indiana, and have had around 30 out of state teaching trips in the U.S.    I taught once outside of the U.S. in Barbados off the coast of South America.   The full course that I teach on end time Bible prophecy is just slightly short of 300 hours in length.