Joseph L (30 Sep 2018)
"The two thousand years for the second coming - when did they start?"

Hi Paul

I just need for someone to help clarify this question for me. We know that the six days of creation actually represents 7000 years. The 2000 years are from the fall of Adam till Mount Sinai. The next 2000 years are right up to the beginning of the ministry of Jesus on earth and the last 200 years are from the start of the Lord’s ministry right up to His second coming. The final 1000 years are the millennium of Christ.


My question concerns the 2000 years during the period of grace.


1.       When do the 2000 years start.

2.       Do the two thousand years start when Jesus Christ was born?

3.       Do they start when he started His ministry

4.       Do they start when He was crucified at Calvary

5.       Do they start when He was resurrected

6.       Do they start when He breathed into them the Spirit.


My expectation is that 2000 years from one of the answers to the above questions Jesus would come back the second time, and the rapture of the church would then be an arithmetic matter of subtracting seven years from that date.


Some of the analysis I am currently doing on my own is that the two thousand years cannot start at the time of Jesus birth, because if I simply add 2000 years to any date that Jesus was born then the two thousand years have long expired approximately some 17-20 years ago. If we consider the time when Jesus started His ministry (assuming that this ministry started in 27 AD) Then adding 2000 years to that time brings us to 2027. This means that the rapture would happen in 2020. If we assume that Jesus started His ministry in 30 AD then the second coming would be in 2030 and the rapture in 2023. Finally, if we want to entertain the idea that the 2000 years started when Jesus went to the cross sometimes in 33 AD of even after, then we will still be on earth for at least no less than eight more years before the rapture.


So based on this basic theory I have outlined the rapture cannot occur before 2020 and cannot occur beyond 2026. We have most probably two years to get ready right up to 8 years. I believe 2020 is the most likely timeline for the rapture because according to Daniel 9:25 the Messiah’s first coming has to happen first before He is cut off. He comes first and then some time after that He is cut off. The cutting off refers to His crucifixion and the cutting of the new covenant. So clearly the 2000 years cannot start at the cross and cannot start any time after the cross. This means that the only logical timeframe we are left with for the beginning of the 2000 years is when Jesus started His ministry in 27 AD and in particular, when he read that famous Jubilee message described in Luke 4:16-21.


I know that I am kind of answering my own questions but I really want to know if anyone has any other angle to this matter. It seems to me that our normal daily calendar is the most appropriate to use to determine the times of the end because 2020 to me seems more to correspond to the political temperature in the Middle East and the world over.


If I am correct then we have only 2 more years to evangelize the lost souls. The best we can do for those of us who are saved is to truly stay even more and more consecrated to the Lord, to turn our hearts on a daily basis fully to the Lord, to be filled with the Holy Spirit on a daily basis so that we may have the best impact when we evangelize the world. Let us listen more and more to the voice of intuition and manifestly express Christ even more. Let us fully surrender our souls to the Lord and completely die to self. This would be the fastest way to bring souls into the kingdom in the billions.


The most probable date for the rapture in 2020 considering 27 AD as the start, is in the fall feast of Trumpets.


God bless all of you


Joseph Lebooa