John B (9 Sep 2018)
"The World's Most Shocking Secret .......Full Documentary 2018"

I have posted several times to 5Doves concerning this topic line and for the most part the feedback from those posts were viewed with great skepticism. That skepticism was fully warranted and expected because no one wants to be told / informed that what we have been taught about our surroundings for all these years may very well be a great deception.
I came across this video presentation which asks all the right questions as to the parameters in which we exist here on earth.......not only from a scientific point of view but also a spiritual one as well. I believe that if you watch this well presented, graphically enhanced video you will be shocked as to the logic and detail of it’s content. The author after being exposed to seemingly wild theories on the internet went on a years journey of research in an effort to satisfy his own curiosity on these multiple topic lines. He’s a Christian so he wanted to compare what the scientific community purported with what God’s word had to say about the reality of our surroundings. Again....I believe what he has exposed will shock you.
The video is long (2 hours plus) but extremely worthy of the time it takes to watch it. And I believe that all who do will be blessed by its contents. It starts with many many questions and skepticism and continually draws the viewer in with logic and known facts to build a case that should leave every viewer very perplexed / angry / joyous...
Toward the end of the video the author also touches on the theory.......because of the facts that are brought out.....that we may indeed live in a God ordained “simulation” like the Matrix movie or virtual reality which in some ways seem to also agree with scripture.
I greatly recommend that you watch his presentation even if it does take over 2’s like watching a very good National Geographic special..... only better.
Give me some feedback (if we are all still here next week) on how this video effected you and your view of our surroundings...........John B