Janine (9 Sep 2018)
"read and listen - important"

The link below has gripped me like nothing else has.  If you'd rather, start around the 23 minutes and continue on to the end. 
The Rapture is upon us:  God said mankind's days would be 120 years.  The 120th jubilee is now, and ends on September 18th.
The final 10 jubilees the Ottomans ruled 400 years (8 jubilees).
There were 400 years of occupation by the Ottoman Turks...from 1517 to 1917.
1917 to 1967 was 'no man's land.'
1967 (9th jubilee) Possession of Israel
1967 to 2018 - 50 years of the messianic end times
No info after the 10th jubilee.
Daniel 9 - 69 wks = 483 yrs
2nd fulfillment:  1535  Ottoman reign, and city walls of Jerusalem rebuilt 483 , equals 2018.

The above are just examples of the above video. Trump is working on the 'peace plan' which will be begin after
the rapture and begins God's 7 years of wrath in the tribulation (but Jesus' body (He's the head) will be with Him
in Heaven).
