Gino (30 Sep 2018)
"Why is Ecclesiastes so different from Proverbs?"

Why is there such a different read with Proverbs than Ecclesiastes? Solomon had been given so much wisdom, yet why is Ecclesiastes so intensely different? Could it be that the book of Ecclesiastes is actually a view into the mind of a backslider, pulled from the mind of Solomon by inspiration of the Holy Ghost? Hadn't, by that point in his life, Solomon severely backslidden, as shown in First Kings? So then, didn't he still apparently have the wisdom given to him earlier, but holding that wisdom in a backslid state, where his perspective and motives would be seriously degraded by the flesh and the world, like he was partially blinded, no longer seeing the working of the LORD, nor his plan, nor the finish line? In Ecclesiastes, doesn't his thinking seem extremely depressed and fatalistic? Could a lesson then be for us, to where, depending upon our fellowship with the LORD, our world view can be bright, full of hope and expectation, or if we are backslid, our world view can become corrupt and very depressing?