F.M. Riley (9 Sep 2018)
"The Lord is Still Coming!"

LookUp, Pray, and Watch
The Lord is Still Coming!
                                                                                            By Pastor F. M. Riley
                                                                                            September 3, 2018
     "But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength;  they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint," Isaiah 40:31.  

     Blessed are those servants, whom the Lord when He cometh shall find watching....." Luke 12:37.
     I am aware that some true believers have been looking for the Lord to come today, on this 23rd day of Elul on the Jewish calendar. Today is exactly seven days before Rosh HaShanah, [Feast of Trumpets] again a day that many of God's people are expecting the rapture to occur.  But He hasn't come, and I personally am not expecting Him to come today, or even on Rosh HaShanah, or during any of these Jewish Holy Days this fall.  Why?
The Timing of the Lord's Coming
     Because I have read the prophecy in the Song of Solomon 2:8-13.  Those inspired Scriptures prophesy the Lord's coming for His "beloved" [His Church Bride] just as plainly as it can be stated.  And when?  Explicitly stated, after "the winter is past," and "the flowers appear on the earth," and "the fig tree putteth forth her green figs, and the vines with the tender grapes give a good smell," 2:11-13.   In other words, in the Spring of the year!  That there will be a resurrection and rapture at that time is  explicitly stated in 2:10 and 2:13.  
     I really expected the Lord to come for His Church and believing people during the Spring of this present year [likely on Pentecost], but I, like some others of God's people, was disappointed. Our disappointments haven't changed a thing about the timing of the Lord's coming.  
     I was asked several times after Pentecost had come and gone this year, if this meant that we had another year to wait?  Due to the many "signs" that were occurring, and still are, my reply was that I didn't think so.  I still believed that the Lord was coming in 2018.  But He hasn't come!   Sadly, some have come to believe that the Lord's coming is spiritual and not literal.  This is absolutely not so!  Read John 14:3 and Hebrews 10:23 and believe these Scriptures as literal truth.  
Human Nature    
     It is a characteristic of human nature [the flesh] that no one likes to wait.  When an appointment has been made, we want it to be fulfilled with no delay; right on time.   We who are true believers know that the Lord is coming again.  But when?
The Day and Hour
      It was also the Lord Jesus who said, "But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but My Father only," Matthew 24:36.  I have pointed out in previous studies that this statement of our Lord was spoken in the present tense. In other words, at that time, "no man" knew the "day and hour"  when the Lord will return.  However, the Lord did not say that the time of His return could not, or would not, be known at some point in the future.  
The "Signs" to be Watched  
     Then the Lord gave to His disciples various "signs" that they were to "watch" for, which would indicate the time of His return was approaching.  If His disciples [that means every true believer] could know absolutely nothing about the timing of the Lord's return, then why "watch" for the "signs?"  What purpose would the "signs""  have served?  
     Well, the "signs" the Lord told us to "watch" for have been coming on an ever increasing basis, ever since Theodor Herzl convened the First Jewish Congress in 1897, but especially since the end of the Second World War.  So the coming of our Lord now has to occur REAL SOON. But how soon?
Date Setting   
     Repeatedly God's people have "set dates" for the Lord's coming again.  These "dates" have varied from the beginning of the Second World War right up to this present time.  And repeatedly these "dates" have come and gone, and the Lord Jesus has not yet returned.  In despair, some of God's people have just given up, and stopped "watching" for the return of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Is that the proper solution for one who claims to be a true believer?  I hardly think so!  
     But, dear readers, the Lord Himself pronounced a blessing upon those who continue to faithfully "watch" and wait for the return of our Lord, Luke 12:37-38.  Those who give up, and stop "watching" as the Lord explicitly instructed His disciples to do, will not receive this blessing.  Don't each of our readers  want to be one of the Lord's people who receive this blessing?   Then shrug off the disappointment when the Lord didn't return on the "date" some expected, and keep right on "watching."  
Clues From the Past
     When the Lord God delivered the nation and people of Israel out of the land of Egypt some 3,500 years ago, the Lord "passed over" the land of Egypt during the night on Abib 14, and smote all the firstborn of the Egyptians in that land.  This was done to convince the Egyptians to set their Israelite slaves free, and allow them to leave the land of Egypt.  Carefully study this account again for yourself in Exodus 11 - 12.  
     As you study, notice that the Lord Himself said of the Passover, "And this day shall be unto you for a memorial; and ye shall keep it a feast  to the Lord throughout your generations: ye shall keep it a feast by an ordinance for ever," Exodus 12:14.  See also 12:17, 12:24 and 12:42.  
A Type For Believers Today.....
     Notice that the words, "observe and observed," occur five times in these inspired Scriptures in this one chapter, and that the Lord told the Israelites that the Passover was to be observed "for ever." "5" is the number in the Bible signifying "the grace of God."  We believers today are living in the Dispensation of Grace, and it is this dispensation from which we believers  are to be raptured.   That the Passover was a type of the resurrection and rapture is indisputable to any serious student of the Scriptures.  Now by God's grace, I want to share with our readers why I am making this statement.     
     The Jewish month of Abib, also called Nisan in the Scriptures, is the first month of the year on the Jewish calendar, appointed by God Himself, Exodus 12:2.  
     Abib 14 is in the first month of the year.  It is also in the Spring of the year.  It most certainly is the time that "the flowers appear on the earth," the "fig tree putteth forth her green figs, and the vines are putting on their tender grapes.  It is the time when the birds begin to sing, and the turtledoves make their appearance in the land.  
     Further, the word, Abib, itself is connected with the sheaf of first ripe grain that was to be cut down by the priest and "waved" before the Lord, Leviticus 23:5-14.  This cutting down and offering of the "sheaf of the firstfruits" is a type of the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ.  Glory to God!  Now right here take the time to turn and read Romans 6:5 and believe it as literal truth.    
      Jacob and his family had come into the land of Egypt 430 years previously, Exodus 12:40.  Egypt is definitely a type of the world, and the whole world system. There over those many years the Israelites had become slaves to the Egyptians, and were "buried" in that land, for the Pharaoh of Egypt refused to let them go.  But on that particular night the Lord Himself "passed over" the land of Egypt, and the Israelites were "thrust out" [delivered out]  of the land. Read Exodus 11:4, 12:12, and 12:29.
     Folks, true Bible believing Christians have become a minority in this present evil world.  The world system passes wicked, immoral, unjust,  laws, such as the "legalization" of abortion, homosexuality, and homosexual marriage, and we believers have no choice but to tolerate these things.  True Christian believers, just like ancient Israel, have become slaves "buried" in this whole wicked world system, with no way out but up.  
     But remember that the Lord God "passed over" the land of Egypt in the sky above Egypt.  The Lord did not come down upon the earth in Egypt at that time.  Even so, our New Covenant Scriptures plainly teach that the Lord Jesus will "appear" in the heavens above the earth at the time of the resurrection and rapture, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; Titus 2:11-15.  He is not going to set foot on  the earth at that time.  Rather, He is going to call us to come up to Him, 1 Thess. 4:16-17.  Don't fail to read Colossians 3:4.  
     Dear readers, the whole account of the Passover instituted by the Lord God in ancient Egypt sets forth a type of the resurrection and rapture of New Covenant believers out of this present evil world.  And what  a type and picture  it is!  The "date" of the Lord's coming for us at the resurrection and rapture of New Covenant believers has been right here in our Bibles all through this past 3,500 years, but the time for it to be revealed hadn't come yet.  Read and believe Daniel 12:4.  The resurrection and rapture of all true New Covenant believers will then occur on Passover, Abib 14, Saturday, April 20th, 2019.  Glory to God!  Hallelujah!  Praise the Lord!    
     What This Means For True Believers
     This means that we believers are going to have to go through and endure one more winter here on this earth, in this wicked world.  Did you notice that Songs 2:11 explicitly emphasizes that "the winter is past?"  Oh, glory to God!  
     This means that we who are true believers are going to have to "patiently" wait for the arrival of Passover in 2019.  Right here read James 5:7-8.  
     This means that we believers could experience persecution and suffering and hardship at the hands of the wicked, between now and this coming Passover.  But now read James 1:2-6.  Also read 1 Peter 5:1-11.  Then ask yourself if salvation and eternal glory with the Lord Jesus and His people, is worth whatever we are called upon to face, down here upon earth, before next Spring?   Well...??
The Time Periods
     The future Tribulation period is divided [2 Timothy 2:15] into two periods of 1,260 days each.  A total of 2520 days for the entire seven years of the Tribulation.  The seven years are 360 day years, rather than 365 or 366.  I believe there are three reasons for this 360 day year.
     [1]  There are 360 degrees in a perfect circle. The Lord God began the deliverance of His covenanted people of Israel on Passover some 3500 years ago, and now He is going to deliver His Church and New Covenant people on Passover in 2019.  A full circle of deliverance for His people!
    [2]  The second reason for the 360 day year is that the Lord Himself clearly stated of the Tribulation period, "And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened," Matthew 24:22.   Certainly a 360 day year during the Tribulation is shortening the Trib by five days each year, for a total of 35 days the Tribulation will be shortened.  
    [3]   The third reason for the 360 day year is that the whole earth is shortly to be moved out of it's present orbit and closer to the Sun.  This will make the time required for the earth to orbit the Sun five days less than it is today [and a perfect circle], but it will also increase the light and heat the earth receives  from the Sun.  Now read Isaiah 13:13, 24:19, and 30:26 and the reader will find Scriptural proof of what I have just stated.   
The Year 2019
     This coming year not only perfectly harmonizes with the types set forth in the inspired account of the Passover, but even the numbers are in harmony with the prophecies of God's Word.  
     Each year of this present century is indicated by the number, "twenty."  "20" is the number in the Bible which signifies "redemption; to redeem."  
     This coming year will be the nineteenth year of this century.  "19" is the number in the Bible which signifies, "faith."  And while speaking of faith, consider that this number contains two numbers which illustrate our faith; numbers 5 and 14.  "5" is the number in the Bible which signifies, "Grace; the grace of God."  "14" is the number in the Bible which signifies, "Salvation; deliverance."  Now read Ephesians 2:8.  
     2019 is then the year when all redeemed true believers will be lifted off the earth by the resurrection and rapture, and taken "home"  to glory.  Abib is the month and Passover [Abib 14] is the day of this coming year that this will occur.  
     There is much more that I could write about this wonderful coming event; the resurrection and rapture of all true believers from off the face of this earth.  But I have written enough!  I must bring this study to a close.
     Why did the Lord God reveal these truths right now?  I believe it was because He loves mankind, and wants people to be saved while there is still time and opportunity, 2 Peter 3:9.  
     Surely, every true believer who is a serious student of the Word of God will realize that this truth will circulate all over the world.  And as it does unbelieving lost people will mock and scoff, and perhaps even persecute Christian believers for proclaiming this truth.  
     But, "Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord....," Isaiah 1:18.  How could the rapture be "a truly effective witness" to those unbelievers left behind, when it occurs, unless they are told in advance that it is going to happen, and then it does?  Praise the Lord!  
     Folks, there is going to be a great multitude of people who are left behind when the rapture occurs, who will turn to the Lord following the rapture, Revelation 7:9-17.  Why?  Perhaps one reason is because they were previously told about the coming rapture, and then it really did happen, and they stopped denying God's Word and became believers.
      There is no question in my mind, that the rapture will also be a great "witness" to the Jewish people.  The religious Jews already know that some of us Christian believers teach that their Messiah is coming back to rapture Christian believers to glory.  When all true Christians then suddenly vanish from off the face of the earth, what kind of an effect will that have on the religious Jews who are already familiar with the doctrine of the rapture?   Well...?? I do  know that 144,000 of the Jewish people are going to turn to the Lord Jesus almost immediately after the rapture, Revelation 7:1-8.   
     If any reader of this study has not been saved, please seek the Lord in earnest and sincere prayer right now, asking Him to come into your heart and save your soul.  Don't delay!  Get the matter of your eternal destiny settled right now before the Tribulation "wrath of God" comes upon the unbelieving, Christ rejecting, world.   May God grant every reader of this study His grace is my prayer.  
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     Permission is granted to any true believer, or Bible believing Christian ministry to reproduce this study to share with others.  PLEASE DO!  
     My personal contact information:
POSTAL.......Pastor F. M. Riley, 14275 Co. Rd. 8120, Rolla, MO 65401

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