F.M. Riley (30 Sep 2018)
"The Abomination of Desolation"

The Abomination of Desolation
                                                                                            By Pastor F. M. Riley
                                                                                            February 28, 2010
                                                                          Revised  Sept. 28, 2018
     "When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (who readeth, let him understand:)
     Then let them which be in Judea flee into the mountains:
     Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take anything out of his house:
     Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes.
     And woe unto them which are with child, and to them that give suck in those days!  
     But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day:
     For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be."
                                                                                                 Matthew 24:15-21
     What is "the abomination of desolation"?  Does the reader know?  Does the reader really know?  Is the reader absolutely certain that they really know?
     No!  I am not trying to be arrogant or proud hearted, or a know-it-all!  Rather, I am asking this question in view of a debate going on today among those who claim to be "scholars" on the subject of Bible prophecy. Some are claiming that "the abomination of desolation" is an action, others that it is a person, some a spirit, some claiming that it is the anti-christ himself, some claiming it to be Satan, and some saying this and some saying that, and on and on and on.  God have mercy!
     The last time I read the Scriptures, 1 Corinthians 14:33 was still in the Bible, "For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all the churches of the saints."  Hello!  Are our readers listening?  
     Someone once said, "Children will be children, and children love to argue!"  Is there anything recorded in God's Word that some "child of God" won't jerk out of context, and try to make something out of it, rather than what is stated in both the Scripture and the context?  Usually, the "something" is based on their own opinion, theory, idea, interpretation, or "theology," which neither agrees with the context nor harmonizes with the whole revelation of God's Word.  How very sad!  Christianity as a movement has now been in the world for 2,000 years, yet many "professing Christians" are not one whit more knowledgeable or believing of God's Word, than unbelieving Israel was at the first coming of Christ.  Shameful!  Read Hebrews 5:12.  
     Do I know what "the abomination of desolation" is?  Yes I do!  By the "grace of God," I know exactly what it is!  Now I invite our readers who want SCRIPTURAL insight into this question to join me in an enlightending Bible study.......
Defining the Subject
     Our subject is "the abomination of desolation."  
     The Greek word translated as "abomination" in our text is the word, "bdelygma."  This word is the equivalent of the Hebrew word, "siqqus," which is the word used in Daniel 11:31 and 12:11.  These words literally mean, "a foul thing, loathsome because of it's stench; to stink; a detestable thing; a thing impure; especially a thing abominable to Jehovah; an idol; idol worship and it's impurities."  See Gesenius Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon, pages 847 and 859, Strong's No's 8251 and 8441, and Thayer's Greek Lexicon, page 99, Strong's No. 946.  We can conclude that the literal meaning of this word as used in both Daniel and Matthew refers to something which is so foul, impure, and loathsome to Almighty God, that it literally "stinks" in His sight.  
     The Greek word translated as "desolation" in our text, is the word, "eremosis."  This word is the equivalent of the Hebrew word, "samem," which is the word used in Daniel 9:27, 11:31, and 12:11.  Both of these words literally mean, "to make desolate; to bring destruction upon; desolation; to be empty; abandoned; deserted; laid waste and silent and quiet."  See Gesenius Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon, page 835, Strong's No. 8074, and Thayer's Greek Lexicon, page 249, Strong's No. 2050.  
     In view of the literal meanings of these words, it is then safe to conclude that "the abomination of desolation" is some event or thing that is so foul and detestable in God's eyes, that it will result in the cities, villages, and land of Israel, being abandoned by the Jewish people, leaving the whole land of Israel empty and desolate.  
     Now that we have defined our subject, let's see.......
What the Lord had to say.....
     Many times in past Bible Studies, I have reminded our readers that all three accounts of the Olivet Discourse in Matthew 24-25, Mark 13, and Luke 21, are the same discourse, given to the same four Jews, on the same occasion.  The entire Olivet Discourse is Jewish through and through, speaking to and about the unfolding events of the end-time which would have a direct bearing on the Jewish people, Israel, and the world.  The three inspired accounts differ in wording only because the Lord obviously wanted to convey different aspects of truth in each account.  The fact that all three accounts are the same discourse, given at the same time, to the same people, about the same subject, should never be overlooked if one wants to "rightly divide the Word of truth."  All three accounts should be diligently compared to ascertain the whole truth set forth in the Olivet Discourse.  Read 1 Corinthians 2:11-13.  
     Now let's see what the Lord Himself had to say about "the abomination of desolation."  
The Statements of Our Lord
     First, the Lord said that it will be something which can be seen, "When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation....."  Matthew 24:15; Mark 13:14.  It is then something that the Jews, and others living on the earth at that time, will be able to "see" visibly with their own eyes.  
     Second, the Lord said that it will be something which will be standing, ".....stand [standing]..., Matthew 24:15.  Matthew's account is clear enough, if one carefully reads the Scriptures without some preconceived opinion, but Mark's account is stated explicitly, "But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it ought not....," Mark 13:14.  It is therefore obvious from the statement of the Lord Himself that "the abomination of desolation" is something that can be visibly seen standing in a certain place.  
     Third, the Lord said that the "place" where "the abomination of desolation" will be seen standing is "the holy place," Matthew 24:15.  Any religious Jew can testify that this is a reference to the Jewish Temple, and the courtyard around the Temple, outside of the "Most Holy Place" which is within the Temple.  This then places "the abomination of desolation" on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, and standing within the courtyard of the Tribulation period Temple.  
     Fourth, the Lord said that those individuals who read the prophecy about "the abomination of desolation," are to "understand" what they are reading, "whoso readeth, let him understand....," Matthew 24:15.  Mark's account says, ".....let him that readeth understand....," Mark 13:14.  The fact that many who claim to be "Christians" today, do not understand, is evidence that the Olivet Discourse was not primarily intended for the Gentile church, but rather was for, to, and about, the Jewish people.  The religious Jews today, who will even read the New Testament, understand this statement of the Lord, while many who claim to be "Christians" obviously do not!   This is sad!  
     The unbelieving Jewish people, who have been "judicially blinded" because of their unbelief [Romans 11:25] can understand this statement of the Lord, and yet many New Testament believers who have been given spiritual discernment [1 Corinthians 2:11-16] have nothing better to do with their time than to debate and argue about the meaning of "the abomination of desolation."  
     Fifth, the Lord also said that "the abomination of desolation" was spoken of by "Daniel the prophet," Matthew 24:15; Mark 13:14.  So now let's see what Daniel had to say about this event......
Daniel's Statement
     The Scripture in The Book of Daniel referred to by Christ, is found in Daniel 11:31,  "And arms shall stand on his part, and they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength, and shall take away the daily sacrifice, and they shall place the abomination that maketh desolate."  
     Who is the person being referred to as "his" in this Scripture?  Most historians and commentators today, tell us that this Scripture is speaking about Antiochus Epiphanes, the Syrian despot, who entered into the Jewish Temple and sacrificed a hog on the Jewish altar.  
     Hogwash!   I have been intensely studying God's Word for the past 64 years, and have never found one mention of Antiochus Epiphanes by name anywhere in the Scriptures.  No where!  
     What I do find is an approximately 2,200 year gap of time between verses 20 and 21 in this chapter.  For every person mentioned in the first twenty Scriptures can be clearly identified with one of the ancient kings of Egypt and Syria.  But when we come to 11:21, a "vile person" is introduced into the vision, which continues to be the central character being spoken about throughout the remainder of the chapter.  There is no changing of the person being described from 11:21 right on through the end of the chapter.  This is glaringly obvious to anyone willing to deal honestly with the Scriptures.  
     Folks, I did not get my understanding of God's Word from some book, commentary, historian, or "theologian."  I received my understanding of God's Word by serious, dedicated, study of the Word, while praying to the Lord, and seeking guidance from the Holy Spirit of our living God, John 16:12-15.  The "vile person" in verse 21 of this chapter, is none other than the anti-christ of the end-time Tribulation period, and the description of him right on through the remainder of the chapter makes this very clear.  
     Now let's examine Daniel 11:31.  We know this Scripture is not speaking about Antiochus Epiphanes, because the Lord Jesus Christ Himself applied this Scripture to the future Tribulation period in Matthew 24:15 and Mark 13:14.  At that time, Antiochus Epiphanes had already been dead for some 150 years.  Hello!
     Notice that Daniel 11:31 explicitly states, ".....they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength....."  Now how are "they" going to "pollute the sanctuary," unless there is a sanctuary [Temple] in existence during the coming Tribulation period?  Well...??  Some folks need to look into God's Word a little closer, and believe what it says!  Does 2 Thessalonians 2:4 [which predicts the fulfillment of this passage] say, "the temple of God," or does it not?  Yes or no?  Does Revelation 11:1 say, "the temple of God," or does it say something  else?  Well...??  Just because some readers have not figured out how to harmonize this explicitly stated truth with their "theology," gives no reader the right to deny or explain away this explicit statement in God's Word.  The "temple of God" will be rebuilt, and will be in existence during the coming Tribulation period, whether some readers want to believe it or not.  God's inspired Word says so!  Please read Revelation 22:18-19, Romans 3:4, and Proverbs 3:5-7, and allow the truth of these Scriptures to soak in.  
     Daniel 11:31 also clearly states, ".....and shall take away the daily sacrifice....."  This is exactly the action predicted of the anti-christ in Daniel 9:27, "And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week [seven years]: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease..."  This clearly confirms that Daniel 11:31 is speaking about the anti-christ.  Believe it!   
     The rest of Daniel 11:31 states, ".....and they shall place the abomination that maketh desolate."  Notice that the "abomination" is to be placed.  One of the meanings of the Hebrew word translated as "place" in this Scripture, is, "to set up; erect; stand up; place in position."  See Gesenius Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon, pages 572-574, Strong's No. 5414.  This statement in Daniel 11:31 is in perfect harmony with the Lord''s statement in Matthew 24:15 and Mark 13:14.  The "abomination that maketh desolate" is then obviously AN OBJECT that will be "set up" in the courtyard of "the temple of God" in Jerusalem during the coming Tribulation period.  
     This truth is contained a second time in Daniel 12:11, which explicitly states, "And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days."  
An Obvious Conclusion
     We then have Scriptural proof from these two passages in Daniel's prophecy, and from the Lord's own statement in both Matthew 24:15 and Mark 13:14, that "the abomination of desolation," or as it is worded in Daniel, "the abomination that maketh desolate," is a material object which is to be "set up" in the courtyard of the Jewish Temle during the Tribulation period.  It will be a visible object, so that all who look on it, can "see" it with their own eyes.  This is exactly what the Scriptures that we have examined explicitly state.  These Scriptures are God's own inspired Word.  Believe them!  
 Identifying the Object
     Now that Scriptural proof has been presented that "the abomination that maketh desolate" is a material object, let's see if we can locate and identify such an object in the prophetic Scriptures.
Nebuchadnezzar's Dream  
     The very first prophecy set forth in The Book of Daniel is the dream of King Nebuchadnezzar recorded in Daniel 2.  That it was a prophetic dream cannot be denied by anyone willing to take the Scriptures at face value for what they actually and literally say.  
     In Daniel 2:28, Daniel explicitly told Nebuchadnezzar, "But there is a God in heaven that revealeth secrets, and maketh known to the king Nebuchadnezzar what shall be in the latter days....."  Is this stated plainly enough?  Remember that this is the inspired Word of God!  The dream of Nebuchadnezzar had it's beginning some 2600 years ago with the ancient kingdom of Babylon, but it will have it's ending with the return of the Lord Jesus Christ to establish "the kingdom of God" upon the earth, Daniel 2:44.  Now what was Nebuchadnezzar's dream actually about?
     Nebuchadnezzar's dream was about "a great image," 2:31.  In other words, a statue.  It doesn't require a rocket scientist to understand that a statue has to be built and erected by men, and then "set up" in a given location where men can "see" it.  The description of the statue in Nebuchadnezzar's dream is given in 2:31-33.  Hello!  Are you listening?  
     Apparently, as time passed, his dream continued to weigh on Nebuchadnezzar's mind.  For, in Daniel 3, he obviously decided to fulfill his dream himself by erecting just such an "image," as he had seen in his dream.  The only difference being that his statue appears to have been   made entirely of gold.  This could have been an expression of his own egotism, 2:37-38.  
Nebuchadnezzar's Image
     In Daniel 3:1-7, the Scripture states that Nebuchadnezzar "made an image of gold," and set it up "in the plain of Dura, in the province of Babylon."  His image is described as being "threescore cubits" in height and "six cubits" in width, and is mentioned six times in these first seven Scriptures.  This obviously sets forth a type of the image and number of "the beast," Revelation 13:14-18.   The numbers involved clearly demonstrate this truth.  60 cubits high, 6 cubits wide, and mentioned 6 times; 666.  
     If Nebuchadnezzar was using 18 inches to a cubit [three sixes], which is today commonly assigned to a cubit, then the statue was 1,080 inches, or 90 feet, in height.  However, if he used the 25 inch measure of the Jews for a cubit, then the statue would have been 1,500 inches, or 125 feet in height.  
     The width is also interesting.  The image was "six cubits" wide.  If the common 18 inches to a cubit was used, then the statue was 108 inches, or 9 feet in width.  But if the sacred 25 inch cubit of the Jews was used, then the statue would have been 150 inches, or 12.5 feet in width.  
     The point I am making here, is that this statue was no small statue!  It towered high above "the plain of Dura," and could have been seen from a great distance.  
     Regardless of what measurement Nebuchadnezzar used, his statue still typified the image and number of "the beast" which the anti-christ will "set up" in the courtyard of the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem, exactly as prophesied by the Lord Jesus in Matthew 24:15 and Mark 13:14.  See Revelation 11:1-2.  
     Now do our readers know what "the abomination of desolation" is?  Or, as Daniel worded it, "the abomination that maketh desolate"?  If the reader hasn't gotten the picture yet, then just keep reading.....
The Fulfillment
     At this point, I want to go back to the Olivet Discourse and set before our readers a brief outline that many today have overlooked.  This simple outline helps in understanding the whole discourse.  
     The Introduction: 24:1-3
     The three questions ask of the Lord by four of His disciples; Peter, James, John, and Andrew, Mark 13:3-4.  
     The Last Days of this Present Dispensation:  24:4-8
     These Scriptures set forth the "signs" that comprise "the beginning of sorrows," clearly indicating that the prophesied future Tribulation period is right now staring mankind on the earth in the face.  
     The First Half of the Tribulation, 24:9-14
     It will be during this time that Israel will be "hated of all nations," and "many" will be "offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another."  This same truth is set forth in Daniel 11:30 and 11:32.  
     It will be during the first half of the Tribulation, that "many false prophets shall rise" among the Jewish people, "and shall deceive many."  Compare Daniel 11:32-34.  
     It will also be during the first half of the Tribulation that "iniquity shall abound" on the earth to the greatest extent since the "the days of Noah" preceding the flood.  
     Because of such wickedness upon the earth during the first half of the Tribulation, "the love of many shall wax cold."  In other words, even the Jewish people, as well as the Gentiles, will be filled with such fear for their own personal safety, that their love for their own families, their loved ones, and their friends and neighbors, will "wax cold," and a "me first" attitude will become the prevailing attitude of people all over the earth.  Compare Mark 13:12.  Yet those Jews who manage to survive the entire Tribulation period will be saved, along with some Gentiles.  Compare Jeremiah 31:33-34 and Hebrews 8:10-12.  
     I know that this will come as a great "shock" and "put down" to the "ego" of some "Christians" today, but it is also during the first half of the Tribulation that the "gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world [in all the habitable earth] for a witness unto all nations;....," 24:14.  
     Dear readers, in spite of the false claims of some today, we New Testament believers ARE NOT preaching the "gospel of the kingdom."  If we are being true to the Great Commission given to the Lord's churches, we are preaching "the gospel of the grace of God in Christ Jesus."  It is during the first half of the Tribulation that "the gospel of the kingdom"  [the announcement of the coming Kingdom of Christ] will be preached by the 144,000 Jewish evangelists, who will carry that message to every place on this earth, where there is even one soul to hear it, Revelation 7:1-8.  144,000 "John the Baptists" preaching, "Repent ye, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand," Matthew 3:1-2; Mark 1:14-15.  Glory to God!  The results of their ministry are seen in Revelation 7:9-17.  
     The Last Half of the Tribulation:  24:15-31
     "and then shall the end come."  The "end" under consideration here is "the end of the world [aion; age]" exactly as inquired about by the disciples in 24:3.  The "end of the age" begins at the middle of the Tribulation, exactly as the next Scripture indicates, 24:15.  Compare Revelation 14:6-7, which also marks the middle of the Tribulation period.  It is at the middle of the Tribulation that "the abomination of desolation" will be erected in the courtyard of the Jewish Temple and.......
     The Jewish people will have to "flee into the mountains" [Matthew 24:16-20; Rev. 12:6; 12:14] in order to save their lives.  
  The Ultimate Fulfillment
     In Revelation 11:1-2, John was told to ".....Rise, and measure the temple of God, and the altar, and them that worship therein.  But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months."  
     These two Scriptures make it clear that the courtyard of the Temple, and the entire city of Jerusalem,  will be trodden under foot by the Gentiles during the last half of the Tribulation.  The "abomination of desolation" will be seen "standing where it ought not," Mark 13:14.  The courtyard of the Temple is the exact place where the Lord Himself said that "the abomination of desolation" will be seen "standing," Matthew 24:15.  Now what is it then that is going to be erected in the courtyard of the Jewish Temple at the middle of the Tribulation, that is going to be such an "abomination" in the sight of God, that the whole land of Israel will become desolate as the Jewish people leave their homes and cities and flee?  
     The answer to this question is found in Revelation 13:11-18.  But before we discuss this portion of Scripture, let's get the background leading up to it.  
The Rise of the anti-christ
     At some point shortly before the middle of the Tribulation, some of the religious Jews are going to stir up and lead a rebellion against the anti-christ, due to their recognizing him as the "false messiah" whom the Lord Jesus prophesied would come, John 5:43.  I suspect that this recognition will come to the Jews, when the anti-christ violates the sanctity of their Temple by going into "the most holy place" of the Temple, sitting down on "the throne of God" [the ark of the covenant], and declaring himself to be "God," 2 Thessalonians 2:4.  
     That there will be such a rebellion on the part of a group of Jews is confirmed by a careful study of Daniel 8:12-13.  The Hebrew word translated as "transgression" in both of these Scriptures is the word, "pesa."  This Hebrew word literally means, "a defection; a rebellion; a fault; a trespass; a revolt; sin or transgression against authority, either human or divine."  See Gesenius Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon, page 695, Strong's No. 6588.  
     When this rebellion against the anti-christ occurs, he will be assassinated by a group of rebellious Jews.  His assassination is clearly stated in Revelation 13:3, "And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast."  The Greek word translated as "wounded" in this Scripture is the word, "sphazo."  This Greek word literally means, "to kill; to slay; to slaughter; to murder; to put to death by violence; to mortally wound; smitten unto death; slain; slew."  See Thayer's Greek Lexicon, page 609, Strong's No. 4969.  
     If some of these "super smart," stiff necked, bull headed, Christian "scholars" today, would stop trying to explain away the mistakes the Lord Jesus Christ did not make when He gave His revelation to John, and start believing what the Word actually and literally says, then the Lord might grant them some real understanding of what is involved in all of this.  Hello!  Are you listening?  
     The fact that the anti-christ will actually be assassinated is confirmed even in the Old Testament prophecies.  Since all guns will have been take away from the people by that time, the assassination of the anti-christ will be accomplished by a sword.  Isn't that exactly what is stated in Revelation 13:14?  Every honest reader knows it is!  In Zechariah 11:17, is an explicit prophecy about "the idol shepherd" [the anti-christ], "Woe to the idol shepherd that leaveth the flock!  the sword shall be upon his arm, and upon his right eye: his arm shall be clean dried up, and his right eye shall be utterly darkened.."  
     The scenario set forth in this inspired prophecy, is that when the assassins attack the anti-christ, he will see the blow coming from the sword, and will throw up his arm to protect himself.  The sword will sever all the tendons in his arm, and pierce into his right eye, probably also piercing his brain, and killing him instantly, exactly as stated in Revelation 13:3.  
     Then, Satan, desperate to carry out his plan for world domination, will counterfeit the resurrection of Christ, likely three days and three nights later, as the spirit of Satan himself enters into the dead body of the anti-christ, and restores him to natural and physical life.  Fantastic?  Think again!  Isaiah 14:19, in describing the future anti-christ, explicitly states, "But thou art cast out of thy grave like an abominable branch, and as the raiment of those that are slain, thrust through with a sword, that go down to the stones of the pit; as a carcase trodden under feet."  Doesn't Revelation 13:2-4 also explicitly state that he receives his "power" from "the dragon" [Satan himself...12:9]?  Every honest reader knows it does!  
     When the anti-christ is restored to natural life by Satan, he will be utterly filled with hatred for the Jewish people.  Why?  Because his right arm will remain "dried up," [withered and useless], and his "right eye" will remain sightless.  
     Folks, Satan does not have the power to genuinely "heal" anyone, nor the power to genuinely "resurrect" anyone.  Such power remains, and will remain, invested only in the Lord Jesus Christ.  During the last half of the Tribulation, the anti-christ will be the "one-eyed, one armed, false messiah."  Give glory to God!  
     But the gullible, Christ rejecting, unbelieving world, will be absolutely amazed at the wicked anti-christ, whom they will know was killed, when they see him alive again, and walking around, and in charge of the whole NEW WORLD ORDER.   This is exactly why Revelation 13:3-4 explicitly states. ".....and all the world wondered after the beast. And they worshiped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshiped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast?  who is able to make war with him?"  This will be a supernatural event [Satan is a fallen angel and does have supernatural powers to manipulate matter]  of such magnitude that the entire lost, unbelieving, world will submit themselves to the leadership of the anti-christ during the last half of the Tribulation period.  But let's not stop here.......  
The False Prophet
     In Rev. 13:11-14 the Scriptures state that "another beast" comes "up out of the earth," and exercises "all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth  and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed."  
     This second "beast" will then command ".....them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast...."  There is not a doubt in my mind that "the image" will be set up in the courtyard of the Jewish Temple, exactly where the Lord Himself said the Jews, and others, would "see" it "standing in the holy place" right at the middle of the Tribulation, Matthew 24:15; Mark 13:14.  
     This second beast will cause the "image" to  "breath" and to speak, giving it the appearance of actually being alive.  He will also demand that the "image" be worshipped, with death as the penalty for those who refuse to do so.  This quite obviously makes the "image" an idol, and an object of idolatry.  It also makes it an "abomination" to the Lord God of Israel.  Read Deuteronomy 7:25-26 and Jeremiah 44:2-5.  
     The latter passage in Jeremiah 44 has the Lord explicitly saying that He brought terrible judgment upon the Jewish people in the past, because of their worship of "abominable" idols.  Subsequent history makes it clear that their severe punishment was taken to heart by the Jewish people.  While there has been a few Jews in the past, and there are some even today, who engage in idolatry, the Jews as a nation and people have never again turned to idolatry, since the Lord cast them out of their land, and caused the survivors to endure seventy years of captivity under the cruel oppression of the Babylonians.  As a people, the Jews obviously learned a valuable lesson.  
     Then when the anti-christ and his cohorts "set up" their "image" in the courtyard of the Jewish Temple, and demand that the Jews, and all the rest of mankind on the earth, worship that "abomination," the Jews will literally leave their homes, cities and villages, and will flee for their lives, exactly as the Lord warned them to do in Matthew 24:15-20 and Mark 13:14-15.  Praise the Lord!  
     Surely every reader of this study who truly believes God's Word, now knows what "the abomination of desolation" is, when and where it will be "set up," and why the Lord warned the Jewish people to flee for their lives when they "see" it "standing where it ought not" [Mark 13:14] in the courtyard of their Jewish Temple.  
     I also hope every reader has understood, and takes to heart, the outline of the Olivet Discourse which I have set forth in this study.  If so, then surely our readers will realize that we true believers today are living right at the end of "the beginning of sorrows," Matthew 24:4-8.  The very last "sign" mentioned by the Lord Jesus for this present dispensation was "...earthquakes in divers places," and this "sign" is being fulfilled daily all over the earth.  The soon coming terrible Tribulation period is staring Israel, and all of mankind on the earth, in the face RIGHT NOW!  
     As I conclude this study, I ask our readers to seriously search their hearts and know beyond any doubt that they are truly saved by the grace of God, 2 Peter 1:10-11.  At any minute of any day now, the Lord Jesus will come to resurrect and rapture His people to glory, and the terrible Tribulation will begin upon those left behind.  Folks, ETERNITY IS FOR EVER!  Where are YOU going to spend it?  Read John 3:3-7, 3:16-18, 3:36, 5:24, 14:6, Acts 16:30-31, Romans 10:8-13, and Ephesians 2:8-10.  
     I personally pray that the Lord God will bless this message with whatever GRACE is needed for every reader.  Please meet me in glory when our Lord comes for His people.  
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     Please feel free to reproduce this study to share with others, or to quote from it in context as written.  
     My personal contact information:
POSTAL.......Pastor F. M. Riley, 14275 Co. Rd. 8120, Rolla, MO 65401
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