Fay (9 Sep 2018)
"Lefty Luvvies going Insane"

I posted the link below to emphasise this point. While the Rev Williams stayed with the program and highlighted the obvious ills of today's world, the rest of the revolting politicians were.....well - revolting! The Bishop Charles Ellis 3rd incident, with his hand groping Ariane Grande's breast, was obscene. He was doing this openly. As for Bill Clinton..... there are no words.

We had the Dems illustrating their two-faced, hypocritical nonsense at John McCains funeral as well. The footage of that buffoon, GW Bush, handing Michelle Obama a sweet, was enough to make one run..... screaming for the hills. They are going insane. They REALLY believe the public are lapping this up! And falling for it. They genuinely think we are all utterly stupid.

Please come, LORD Jesus. Our beloved LORD and Savior.

The Many Things That Were Wrong With Aretha Franklin’s Funeral