Fay (30 Sep 2018)
"Tribulation....on Steroids?"

I have banged on and on about this for a long time now. This began in 2011..... just over 7 long years ago. I still cannot believe that the main Christian teaching is that this world has not entered into tribulation ...yet. It's simply ridiculous to ignore the screaming OBVIOUS.

The pale (green) horse of Revelation rode out in Egypt in 2011. Millions of us saw it happen. It's there for all to see on you tube. 

Revelation 6:8..... And I looked and behold a pale (chlorus) horse and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with the sword and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Muslims rule the roost in the Middle East. Elsewhere too. Wherever Islam is in control, there is huge tribulation going on. Even in the streets of Europe where....for now...they do not have full control. But they make their bloodthirsty presence felt - for sure. Let's be clear - this world is in tribulation right now and has been for 7 years. If one wants to deny this....try talking to the Christian victims in this article. It is so vile - so evil.

We await Almighty God's WRATH. Which we are not appointed to.

“We Are Bigger than Your Jesus!” Muslim Persecution of Christians, March 2018