Fay (30 Sep 2018)
"*GROAN* Still here.....but Wait!!"

Hi John and Doves,

I just wanted to point out that Sukkot (Tabernacles) begins on sunset of September 23rd (Jerusalem time). This is the one year anniversary of the Revelation 12 sign that appeared last year. I would like to add that the great number of people, that no man can count, that appear in heaven in Revelation 7:9, are holding palm branches. MAJOR HINT! I believe (and have prayed long and hard about this) that Revelation 7:9 describes the raptured church. 

I also take into HUGE account, the blood moons. Passover Tabernacles, Passover Tabernacles. Both these feasts involve palm branches. Passover is when our LORD Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. The streets of Jerusalem were awash with people waving palm branches. Palm branches are peculiar to Tabernacles too. They are used to build the booths.

When we appear in heaven.....the glorious Rapture.... we will be holding PALM BRANCHES.

Here is my understanding (again....I have prayed about this for many years. For insight and understanding). The rapture occurs after Israel is attacked, which is followed by a huge earthquake. This incredible earthquake sends everyone, the world over, scurrying into caves and underground shelters. Then there is a "stillness" in the raging weather while 144,000 Jewish virgins are sealed. It is after this that millions of people from "every tribe, tongue, nation" appear in heaven. Please read Revelation chapters 6 and 7. The sequence is VERY clear.

Maranatha, LORD Jesus.

Sukkot 2018 | My Jewish Learning