Doug L (30 Sep 2018)
"Those left behind are no longer The Church but become tribulation saints."

"The greatest spiritual crisis comes when a person has to move a little farther on in his faith than the beliefs he has already accepted." - Oswald Chambers

We all know that a believer in Christ Jesus is sealed by The Holy Spirit and made "worthy" of heaven.

JESUS THEN says;( to believers) "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me. Luke 9:23 (whoever does not is not "worthy "of Me)

We all know that there are believers who are "saved" but do not follow the Lord - as His disciples. They are "worthy" of heaven but not "worthy" of Him.

All those who are actually His disciples are "worthy" of Him - they are His Bride and they will be raptured.

Why? Because they are ready, faithful and filled with the Spirit when He comes for them.

Knowing the parables of the ten virgins (filled with the Spirit or not), the servants (faithful or not) and the banquet (who sits next to Christ) proves this out.

Those left behind are no longer The Church but become tribulation saints.

Knowing not just scripture but God, His character and His ways also proves this - He is Just to give each man according to His deeds. He prevents those from "entering" who are not ready and He chastises and disciplines all whom He calls His own. (Jesus learned to obey by suffering and so do we)

The rapture is an event in time - when all who are "Ready and Worthy" of Jesus will be taken up to be with Him because - it's time has come.

All those who have died previously - who were "Ready and Worthy" of Jesus are already in heaven awaiting this time as well - when The Bride is complete.

It was the Pharisees who claimed to have knowledge of the scriptures but yet - they did not recognize their Messiah when He came and they were left out and tried to keep others out as well.

This time Jesus is coming as a Groom for His Bride. You would not accept someone  who is unfaithful and not ready and neither will He

We must encourage one another while it is still "daytime" to return to our first love (not scripture) but to the Lord Himself and follow Him with all our hearts. God who then sees our hearts will decide who His bride is - not for us to assume.

We are to pray that we may be "counted as worthy" to escape all the things coming upon this earth.