Dave (9 Sep 2018)
"Extended Human Life is Only Years Away"

The article in the link (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6121913/New-technique-humans-live-150-regrow-organs-price-coffee-day.html) reports that human ageing and organ regrowth is not only shockingly near, but could be relatively cheap to accomplish. This would take us dangerously near to achieving the same effect as the "Tree of Life" which God removed from the Garden of Eden after the fall of Adam and Eve. While this could be exciting for some, it would certainly be a cause for alarm. Can you imagine the most maleficent dictator/ruler/leader with the power of long life and the ability to survive any wound by regenerating the damaged or missing part? I wonder how long God will allow us to expand this knowledge without a divine intervention of some kind? Perhaps we are not so far, after all, from the return of Christ.
The lead researcher, Harvard Professor Dr. David Sinclair, claims human trials will begin within the next two years. However, he tacitly admits limited trials have already begun.
"Professor Sinclair, who is using his own molecule to reduce the aging process, said his biological age has dropped by 24 years after taking the pill. He said his father, 79, has been white water rafting and backpacking after starting using the molecule a year-and-a-half ago. The professor also said his sister-in-law was now fertile again after taking the treatment, despite having started to transition into menopause in her 40s."
Personally, I cannot imagine that God will permit us to live much longer before sending His Son back to earth. Look up. Our redemption draws close!