Charles Holler (9 Sep 2018)
"Doctor's diagnosis say I only have weeks to live"

Greetings John and Precious doves,
I know I've been remiss in keeping everyone updated on my condition as I with all my being seek Divine Healing. I still truly believe this is what the Lord has planned for me!! They ( my friends and family) tell me I don't look like I have cancer, I don't have the cancer look, because my cheeks are Rosy, I'm full of life, yet the evidence that the doctors tell me is that tumors they were only less than a quarter of an inch 90 days ago or now over 3in, So at that rate of growth there is great concern among the medical community. With all my being I need your prayers now more than ever. I came across some oil that comes out of a Bible and the healings and the restoration this oil is giving is of the Lord I truly believe.  I did a lot of research on it and I'm going to put the link below. I want you to go there and look at the video.Take 11 minutes please and there have already been multiple miracles in my personal lives of family members that I have seen. I am right now as I write this on my fifth anointing that I believe the Lord wanted me to anoint myself 7 days like Naaman dipped in the Jordan River. So be sure to go to the link below and I am also going to put the link in for the GoFundMe only because it's become very very expensive to do the treatments that they want. I have a great decision to make on Tuesday to allow radiation therapy on my hip,they're afraid it will break because of a 4in metastasized and a tumor has now appeared in the motor function of my brain. I really don't want to, but I feel like I need to do this unless the Lord comes through in what I believe is my timing. I'm willing to submit to his time as always, but just pray that I have the wisdom to respond properly. If you don't hear from me again, I'll see you in heaven and I just want you to know over the last 20 years what a blessing that you have been to me. John especially for this labor of love to keep this site alive Agape
Charles Holler Sr.

This Bible is Leaking Oil by the Gallons! Is it Proof of End Time Miracles?

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