Carl Worline (9 Sep 2018)
"I Will Be Waiting on the Feast of Trumpets"


I Will Be Waiting on the

Feast of Trumpets

By Carl Worline


There is no place, whatsoever, in the Bible to suggest that date setting is an abomination.  Quite the contrary.  Revelation 3:3 says:


Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast, and repent. If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee (KJV).


I find it very interesting that Revelation 3:3 uses the word “hour” rather than “season” or even “day.”  If we take the Bible literally and believe that every word in it is inspired by God and is true, then it would appear that we can know the hour of Jesus return.


The Bible also tells us that Jesus loves all who are watching for His return.  We are told in 2 Timothy 4:8 that there is a crown of righteousness waiting for all of those who long for His appearing:


Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing (KJV).

Throughout the Bible our Lord has patterned the Rapture of the Church after the traditions of a Jewish wedding.  I fully expect Jesus to follow all of the Jewish traditions of the wedding process when He returns in the Rapture. 


The Feast of Trumpets is, traditionally, the most probable time for Him to return.  By tradition, Tuesday is the day when most grooms return for their bride.  And lastly, sometime around midnight is the traditional hour for the groom to unexpectedly return.


By some strange coincidence the second (and final) day of the Feast of Trumpets in 2018 falls on a Tuesday.  Or, perhaps this is not a coincidence. 


The second day of Feast of Trumpets this year also happens to be September 11th.  Several scholars of Biblical eschatology have made a convincing argument for September 11th as being the birthday of Jesus when He appeared on earth for the first time.  Wouldn’t it be a wonderful coincidence if He appeared on September 11th when He returns in the Rapture?


A traditional Jewish day begins at sundown and (likewise) ends at sundown on the following day.  Sunset in Jerusalem on September 11th will be at 6:50 PM (local time).  That means that September 11th in Jerusalem will begin here on the east coast of the United States around 11:30 AM on Monday, September 10th.  That is because eastern time is 7 hours behind Jerusalem time.  Therefore, midnight in Jerusalem for September 11th, 2018, will be 5 PM on September 10th eastern daylight time.


I fully intend to be standing outside and looking toward the east with binoculars in hand on Monday, September 10th, at 5 PM eastern time.  I sincerely hope that this will be the day and hour that Jesus returns and I want to have the best possible view.  If I am wrong and nothing happens (as has happened in previous years) I will have the satisfaction of knowing that I did my part to watch and be ready.  And while I know that others will consider me to be foolish, I will know that the Lord will be smiling at my efforts and my determination.


Carl Worline