Bob Ware (9 Sep 2018)
"Seven Prophetic and Seven Solar Years hidden in Genesis 1:1"

A radian is the number of degrees in an arc around a circle where the length of the arc equals the radius of the circle. The formula to find one radian is: 180 / Pi. The result is 57.29577951 or 57 degrees 17 minutes and 44.81 seconds. This value rounds off to 57. There is a unique geometrical pattern that also reveals the number 57. Seven circles of equal diameter will all touch when you place one in the center and surround it with the other six. Place a circle around these seven and you now have eight circles. Take seven of these sets of eight circles and lay them out in the same pattern. Place a circle around this set of seven and you have a total of 57 circles. Take seven of these sets of 57 and place a circle around them and you have 400 circles. These 400 circles may represent the 400 years or Earth orbits around the Sun in one Gregorian calendar cycle. This number 57 is linked twice to Obama. He was the 57th different President when you include the 14 different Presidents of the Continental Congress. Obama's second Inauguration was the 57th Presidential Inauguration. Job 11:6 "And that he would shew thee the secrets of wisdom, that they are double to that which is! Know therefore that God exacteth of thee less than thine iniquity deserveth." KJV.


A circle is created from its center point and its circumference is determined by the length of the radius. The gematria of the 'Aleph' and 'Tav' at the center of the seven Hebrew words in Genesis 1:1 is 401. Seven radians have 401.0704566 degrees. This rounds off to 401 degrees. When 401 is the radius of a circle then the circumference is 2519.557308 which rounds off to the 2520 days in seven prophetic years. The gematria of the sixth word of Genesis 1:1 ('and') is 407. When 407 is the radius of a circle then the circumference is 2557.25642 which rounds off to the 2557 days in seven solar years. How can these anomalies just be a coincidence?


The diameter of a circle equals: 2 x the radius. A circle with a circumference equal to the Greek gematria of 'JESUS CHRIST' (2368) has a radius of 376.8789052 which rounds off to 377. The diameter is 753.375781 which rounds off to 754. 754 is the Hebrew gematria of 'Yehoshua HaMeshiach'. In my attached diagram the orange circle has a circumference of 2368. I assigned the passing of one day to each unit of measurement around the circle. I began with the first day of the current 305th Jewish calendar cycle (sunset of 2 October 2016). The 754th day will end at sunset on 26 October 2018. This date falls at the end of an arc equal to two radians of 57 degrees each. An arc of two radians around my 'Circle of Time' equals the 1440 minutes in a day. The diameter of each of the seven circles within my 'Circle of Time' is 480. 480 is the sum of the ASCII codes for 'Obama'. Will Obama reappear on the political scene at the end of these two 57 degree arcs around my circle of 'JESUS CHRIST' on 26 October 2018?


Seven days have 168 hours. On the second pass around my 'Circle of Time' the 168th day will be 26 October 2018. 168 plus the radius of this circle (720) equals the Greek gematria of 'JESUS' (888). The radius may symbolize the handle of a sickle and the arc of 168 days could be the cutting blade of this sickle used to harvest the wheat at the rapture.


Matthew 3:12 "Whose fan is in his hand, and he will thoroughly purge his floor, and gather his wheat into the garner; but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire." KJV


Matthew 13:30 "Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn." KJV


The gematria of Matthew 13:30 is 22,201. The prime factoring of 22,201 is: 149 x 149. 149 is the 36th prime number and the 36th triangle number is 666. This anomaly links the number of the Beast with the seven years of the Tribulation, the radian of 754  ('Yehoshua HaMeshiach') and 26 October 2018.