Pyramids made from odd triangle numbers have three distinct centers: the center of gravity location, the center location of the center row and the mathematical center value.
The first time that this trinity of centers align vertically in the center column is in the 49th triangle number: 1225. 1225 equals: 35 x 35. 49 = 7 x 7 (the number of years in one Jubilee). There are 144 stones in the perimeter around the pyramid made from the 49th triangle number. Counting from left to right and from the bottom up the center stone of the center row is number 913. 913 is the gematria of the first word in the Bible: 'In the beginning'. There are 1189 stones in the bottom 41 rows. There are 1189 chapters in the Bible. There are 522 stones in the bottom 12 rows. 522 is the sum of the ASCII codes for 'Jesus'. There are 364 stones in the bottom 8 rows. 364 is the composite number gematria of 'JESUS CHRIST'. There are 235 stones in the bottom 5 rows. There are 235 lunar cycles in each 19-year Jewish calendar cycle.
The second time that this trinity of centers align vertically in the center column occurs is the 1681st triangle number: 1,413,721. 1,413,721 equals: 1189 x 1189. 1,413,721 also equals: 29^2 x 41^2. 29 is the number for departure. 1189 equals: 29 x 41. When you include unity with the primes, then the 14th prime number is 41. This is a unique relationship where the placeholder is the mirror image of the prime number. In my 'Prime List' the sum of the first four prime numbers in row 14 is the Greek gematria of 'JESUS CHRIST' (2368).
The mathematical center of 1225 is 613. 613 is the 113th prime number (including Unity). 613 plus 113 equals Strong's Greek roster number for 'HARPAZO' (726). 113 is the 31st prime number and the first point of my 'Prime Cross'. 113 has a unique relationship to Pi. When 113 is multiplied by Pi it yields the closest result to a whole number - closer than any other number x Pi. 113 x Pi = 354.9999699.
When 1225 is the long side of a golden rectangle its diagonal equals the 1440 minutes in a day. My 'Circle of Time' diagram has a diameter of 1440. The sum of the four sides of the square around that circle is 5760. The 5760th inclusive day from the Winter Solstice of the Jewish year 5760 (22 December 1999) was 28 September 2015. 28 September 2015 was the date of the fourth blood moon eclipse of the tetrad of lunar eclipses that began on 15 April 2014. After 28 September 2015 there were 370 days remaining in the 304th Jewish calendar cycle that ended on 2 October 2016. The 49th triangle number (1225) minus these 370 days leaves 855 days remaining to 4 February 2019. 855 is the sum of the ASCII codes for 'JESUS CHRIST'.
From the ground breaking for the New World Trade Center on 4 July 2004 to 4 February 2019 will be: 6 x 888 days or 73 x 73 inclusive days. 888 is the Greek gematria of 'JESUS' and the 73rd triangle number is the gematria of Genesis 1:1 (2701). From the day Netanyahu was born to 4 February 2019 will be: 2 x 19 x 666 days.