TH (3 Sep 2017)


                               WHO ARE THE "R E A L" JEWS ?   

Is there a difference between the JEWS referred to in the New Testament and who
are called Israel/Judah in Biblical reference?  Verses in Rom. 2:28 & Gal. 3:29 **would
seem to indicate that there is a difference.  There are those BORN of Jewish lineage
& those in Christ's Family that are looked at differently by GOD.  Those that have a
PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP with JESUS are considered to be the recipients of the
COVENANT of/with Abraham. Is it this Relationship that is the determining factor
by which GOD recognizes a person as to whether he/she is a REAL JEW in HIS
eyes?  Does this FACT change the Common View of what Constitutes HIS CHURCH                   and how HE looks at the Nation of Israel ?  Are there TWO TYPES of JEWS ?                               Apparently so, those that are of Jewish decent and those that BECOME
the JEWS that HE ATTRACTS to HIS SON that they should receive HIS NEW
COVENANT.  These are the ones that HE considers to be the "Seed of Abraham".
This is almost NEVER discussed by the Theologians today....why not?  This leads
to (me) that burning question as who the 144,000 Really are.  12,000 of each Tribe.
Are these Jews of Lineage or the GOD Recognized Jews of JESUS' Family ? Who
are the Jews referenced in Rev. that CLAIM to be Jews yet are NOT?  Are they no
longer looked upon by GOD as being HIS CHOSEN because they did not accept
as "Real Jews"?  If that is the case, then what determines their Tribal Affiliation ?
Could that be the Reason JESUS CHOSE 12 Disciples ?  As a "Type" reference
that Equates to the Original Jewish Tribes? That would fit, as the Bible is replete
with all kinds of "Type" references.  Twelve different types of personalities and
character.  All of HIS Disciples were indeed of DIFFERENT CHARACTER.
Symbolizing that HIS REDEMPTION is available to ALL.  Once the "Jews" that are
of Christ's Family are SEALED, those left behind will still have the opportunity to
BECOME the "Jews" that HE avails HIS NEW COVENANT to.  (if they don't take
the "Mark")  They will have "Super Natural" witness' testimony. We CAN'T pick and
choose, bend and otherwise allegorize to suit our wishes or misunderstanding.
So I think a CLOSER LOOK into this is warranted by any and all who wish to have
a clearer understanding of this, don't you ?  The one thing I am ABSOLUTELY
SURE of is, that if you don't HEAR HIS won't matter WHAT Nationality,
Tribe, Country, Man or Woman, you're OUT !    SEEK HIS VOICE !

                                MARANATHA !
                                                                           **BOTH verses confirmed by Rev. 2:9
                                          T H

       (a re-post as it's relevance looms)