Neil Lipken (3 Sep 2017)
"5 minutes on the original Model T Ford"

Very awesome!   I might get in a time machine tonight and go back and buy one!   I will push the lever on the time machine to "1923".   So, why do we have these "fang-dangled" machines?   DANIEL 12:4 -------at the time of the end man's knowledge will increase!   In the early part of the 20th Century man's technical knowledge began to increase at a rapid rate, and then, of course, Israel came into existence in 1948 beginning these End Times in which we are now living.   In recent decades man's technical knowledge has been going straight up the "Y-axis" at a very rapid rate!   Exactly as the Bible predicted!


P.S.   Daniel 12:4 also has within it that "many shall go to and fro"-------modern travel, and the automobile was the beginning of it!   We have added "flying machines" (beginning with the Wright Brothers), and later space travel beginning with Sputnik in 1957.   As Israel came into existence man's knowledge began to explode!   Shortly before Israel became a nation man also developed nuclear weapons, which will very, very likely be used during the upcoming 7 year Tribulation Period after the Rapture.