KML (3 Sep 2017)
"Re: Gino A ps to The 1335th Day"


The First seal has been opened. Revelation 6:2 And I (John) saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him "had a bow;" and a crown (authority) was given unto him: and he went forth "conquering" and "to conquer."
Remember when our White House lit up as the rainbow?
This riders bow is not that of which one shoots an arrow. It is an abomination of the bow our Lord placed as a sign of his promise to never destroy the earth again by a flood.
That date was June 30, 2015
The LGBTQ agenda is now full blown, even our Military has issue with these individuals. The world accepts this rider with open arms. Everyones Face Book page lit up with individuals posting their photos with the rainbow colors to support the movement. This movement has gone forth "conquering" and to conquer.
As a watchman, I see the 2nd seal is opened. This Red horse rider takes peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.
We will continue to see the thoughtless killing of people in the up coming days and months. For a person to get into their car and run a group of people down in the street, as did this person in Va. this past week, and think nothing of it; is something we haven't seen here in America before.
Things are ramping up.
The 3rd seal; the Black horse rider will soon bring the economic crash.
The stock market figures are propped up and mean nothing concerning the economy. Mr. Trump knows this. He was quoted as saying; The bubble is about to burst.

Romans 13:11  And that, knowing "the time," that now it is high time to "awake" out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.
1 Thessalonians 5:6 Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us "watch" and be sober.
If you should doubt that the white horse is the LGBTQ movement and that the seals are now being opened, consider how many churches are accepting this in their churches. Remember...the seals are judgments and Peter wrote that judgment "must" begin at the house of God, and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be to those who know not God?
God Bless