John B (3 Sep 2017)
"Please take notice"


I believe it is extremely important to take notice that the existing pope, Pope Francis, is in all likelihood a fraud. A person who was inserted into the RC papacy as a fore bearer to the coming Antichrist to “soften the ground” and make head-roads into the new world order of a one world currency, one world government and one world religion.

Information has come to light indicating that the prior Pope Benedict was forced to resign by the Luciferian elite that control this planet. Then a rigged election took place where the military wing of the RCC, the Jesuits, of the “Black Pope” flavor, inserted one of their own into the role of pontiff.

As we have all witnessed since Francis took office, he has breached many of the basic tenets of the Catholic Church and Christianity in general. This, much to the outrage of the conservative members of the RCC and the Christian community.

The insertion of Francis into the line of popes since 1929 (as a pope) completely skewed what scripture has to say in Revelation 17 concerning the lineage and order of these popes. The bible as I read it states that the sixth pope from 1929 (when the Vatican became it's own country) will also become the eighth pope and be the first beast or the Antichrist.

Being that it has come to light that Francis is a “plant” by the Luciferians.....this re-authenticates in my mind what scripture has to say on the topic. I was concerned and confused when Francis took office because it did not agree with scripture.

Obviously John the Revelator wasn't confused when he wrote about all of this in Revelation 17. It's so important to believe the Word even when reality throws you a curve (Francis a legitimate pope....not) and suddenly scripture doesn't seem to make sense. It makes perfect sense that the cat is out of the to speak.

I will re-link below the link I put in my other post that explains this Francis treachery in detail.

I am watching for the 7 celestial objects to show up in the skies above as per Revelation 1:16. I believe when they do darkness will envelope the earth. Then Jesus as the Sun of Righteousness will appear from that darkness as the Light of the World. When we look up we will see Him as is described in Revelation 1:12-16. When the atmosphere is safe and the Red Dragon's (Satan's) forces have been temporarily secured, a voice as loud as a trumpet will call us, the church, the body of Christ...... to meet Jesus in the clouds.

With everything that is going on around the earth and the signs in the heavens I believe we have only a short wait before all this transpires. Blessings Doves......John B