John B (3 Sep 2017)
"Comment / Question"


Over the many years of reading Dove posts I have numerous times come across the same statement made by many that I believe is false. I have reasoned that some supposedly wise person many years ago made this false statement and untold people have “parroted” this falsehood without checking the bible for validation.

And what is this falsehood? That the 144,000 descendants of Jacob that Jesus will secure as the first fruits of the great Jewish resurrection described in Ezekiel 37 will become worldwide evangelists during the 7 year tribulation period.

The only two areas of scripture that shed light on the 144,000 are Revelation 7 and Revelation 14 neither of which speak to these peoples being world wide evangelists. What it does say is that they....


  1. Are first fruits to God and to the Lamb (Jesus) of the redeemed among men

  2. They will be sealed with the mark of the Living God on their foreheads

  3. They were not defiled by women, consequently are virgins

  4. No deceit was found in them, they were without fault before the throne

  5. These 144,000 will follow the Lamb where ever He goes


What the text states is that the 144,000 will be the personal entourage of Jesus Himself and follow Him where ever he goes.

It appears to me that Jesus is extremely proud and satisfied with these 144,000, they are the first Jewish “chosen people” harvest of His earthly creation / endeavor with mankind.

I find no area of scripture that indicates that Jesus personally evangelizes around the world during the tribulation period and if these 144,000 are His personal entourage and follow Him where ever he goes then.......where did the idea come from that these peoples will be evangelizing around the earth during the tribulation period?

Blessings Doves..........John B