Jean Stepnoski (3 Sep 2017)
"The 2005 Tragedies In Israel: Then Hurricane Katrina To Hurricane Harvey"


   Since the tragedies of the expulsions of about 9000 Israelis (2000 families and 3000 buildings bulldozed) in 2005, affecting 21 communities at Gush Katif and 4 communities at the West Bank, there has been much residual suffering, in the aftermaths. According to articles in 2015 and 2016, fully 13% of the people are STILL LIVING IN TEMPERARY HOUSING! It is now year 13 since the expulsions. These 25 communities (most in the Gaza) were part of the land divinely bestowed in the Abrahamic  Covenant. This land is for Abraham and his issue through Isaac, the 12 Tribes of Israel. They are NOT to be divided from their land and homes, expelled, and displaced. No division. Those who bless Abraham and his issue through Isaac are blessed by YHVH. Those who curse them are cursed by YHVH. (And the Messiah always agrees with His Father.) Genesis tells us  profound and ABIDING TRUTH.
   In 2005, the final day when people had to decide to leave the 21 plus 4 communities (25) was 8-17-2005. Remember the numbers 25 and 50. They show up in many links of events with the expulsions, then Hurricane Katrina in 2005 and Hurricane Harvey in 2017. What happened on 8-17-2017? On this day Hurricane Harvey began to form in its earliest stages. It became a level 4 Hurricane on 8-25-2017. See the 25? It made landfall at Texas on 8-26-2017. It has been a HORROR for Texas and especially so for Houston, the residence city of former First Lady Laura Bush and the largest city in the state.
   People lived 38 years at Gush Katif communities (Gaza). For 12 years of anguish  they have been wrenched away from their land and homes. Let us add 38 and 12. 50, again. It is 50 years since the Six Day War when Israel came of age since 1948. Will there be 50 inches of rain at Houston, Texas? For 2005 and 2017, so many numbers are linked in significant ways: 8 (a Noah number),12 (the 12 Tribes of Israel), 20, 25, 50 (since 1967 when Israel came of age), 17, and 23. Coincidences? NO. How about the number 23? The date of 8-23-2005 was the day when most expulsions were complete, except or a few security individuals who left on 9-12-2005. What happened on 8-23-2017? On this date Texas Governor Greg Abbott declared a state of emergency for 30 counties. On 8-26 he added 20 more. The total? 50! See wikipedia "Hurricane Harvey."
   Texas at Crawford is the home of George Walker Bush, former Republican President of the USA (2001-2009). There have been many articles about marital trouble for him. Has there been division in his marriage, the House of Bush divided since the division of the land and expulsion of the 9000 (2000) families in 2005? Multiple articles have stated that since 2009, George and Laura have lived in separate cities, separate residences, in Texas. Houston. Crawford. YHVH and the Messiah know if there is DIVISION,  House Divided, after the Dividing of some of the House of Israel! What was the greater power to insist upon the expulsions? Was it Ariel Sharon and his administration? Even the dead were dug up and transferred to other graves. Compounded HORRORS. The greater power? It was President Bush, his administration, the Republican Party, and many Americans who got on the bandwagon for "Land for Peace Phase One" which has proven to be a SUPER LIE. No peace. No shalom. No democracy. No jobs. No more greenhouses for 15% exports of flowers and vegetables at 200 million annually. The Realities? There have been 12 years of devastation and poverty for 1.5 million people in the Gaza. More HORRORS.
   Has Israel, has the USA, been under divine CURSE for 12 years? Unless and until those still living of the 9000 individuals are RESTORED TO THEIR COVENANT LAND, where the 25 communities were, the divine promised CURSE continues. Even if MANY seek to DENY IT and FORGET IT, YHVH (the stronger partner in the Covenant) REMEMBERS IT, WILL ENFORCE IT. Not successfully mocked. By anyone. From 2005 to 2017, the tragedies have unfolded. Sad 9000 Israeli sufferers. Sad Gaza residents. Sad suffering Texans. Sad Americans. The all important DIVINE COVENANT WITH THE  DESCENDANTS OF ABRAHAM, ISAAC, and JACOB. ABIDES, IN ABIDING TRUTH!
With Love and Shalom,