JB (3 Sep 2017)
"6000 years"

I spent quite a bit of time investigating Pastor Sandy Armstrong’s claim of 6000 years from Adam to present. There was only one way I could get there. It was different than his way. I think he misses that there is no year zero, but it’s a very small point of contention. Also I hold less confidence in the 966 temple date, but this doesn’t mean I disagree with him. I have become convinced that the number is close enough to not be worth arguing over.


I get there this way:


6000 years

from Adam to Present


1656 years from Adam to the Flood


222 years from Shem to Terah


70 age of Terah when Abram was born


Total of 1948 years from the First Adam to Abram (started the Hebrew nation)


Now take 1948 and add the following:


100 years till the promise (Isaac born)


430 years from the promise until the Law (the exodus happens) Galatians 3


480 years from the Law until the start of the temple I Kings 6


419 years of the kings of Judah till start of captivity in Babylon


607 years because 607 bc is when the Jehoiakim, king of Judah was hauled to Babylon in chains. Covers all bc years


2017 more years to bring us to the present.


Finally, subtract 1 year because there is no year zero.


= 6000 years of well documented history. 120 jubilees



Join with this the fact of Damascus becoming a ruinous heap


Gog/Magog nations lined up


international day of peace theme for september 21, 2017-- “Together for Peace, Respect, Safety, and Dignity for all.” Obviously the feast of trumpets date here too.


Calls for one world currency by the nations and political figures


company requires it's employees to be marked. (three square market, wisconsin, july 2017)


Judah ben Samuel 10 jubilees prophecy


Continuous attempts and calls to divide Jerusalem ala Zachariah 12.


2017 sign in the heavens virgin clothed with the sun and moon at her feet with 12 starred crown. Proximity to feast of trumpets is not lost to me.


By the way, in closing, I really don’t care to argue with anyone on this accounting of years. I realize the potential fallacy related to when 430 years is applied and whether it is literal or not. After much study, I’m comfortable enough with the numbers combined with the converging circumstances to believe that we are at a crucial moment in God’s timing. As always excited. God bless you all.
