F.M. Riley (3 Sep 2017)
"The Last Major "Sign" Has Been Given!"

 Dear brothers & sisters in Christ,

     I am resending the last study I sent out, due to making changes in it and adding some to it.  Again, I hope it will be enlightening and a blessing to every reader.  God bless you all.

               Pastor F. M. Riley

The Last Major "Sign"
Has Been Given!
                                                                                      By Pastor F. M. Riley
                                                                                      August 28, 2017
     "Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come,
except [1] there come a falling away first, and [2] that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;"  2 Thessalonians 2:3.

     "Here is wisdom.  Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast:  for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six," Revelation 13:18. 
     These Scriptures used as a text for this Bible Study, were given to the Apostle Paul by Divine Inspiration, and to John the Revelator, in the vision given to him some 2,000 years ago while he was exiled to the island of Patmos by the Roman Emperor, in order to prevent him from preaching the gospel of Christ.  Whee!  Doesn't our Lord have a great sense of humor?  The Lord God is always making the unbelieving world look foolish.  John's greatest ministry was given him during his exile. 
    Don't fail to notice that the passage in Revelation 13:18 is written in the present tense.  In other words, because this Scripture is written in the present tense, it is possible for the true believer who has been given spiritual "understanding" to identify the prophesied anti-christ [beast] at whatever time he comes on the world scene.  How?  By simply counting his number, exactly as stated in this inspired Scripture, "for it is the number of a man." 
Every Human Being Has a Number
     Every natural descendant of Adam born into this world, has a number whether they realize it or not.  The minute a new born baby is given a name, they also receive a number.  Oh yes they do!  Every letter in one's name has a numerical value derived from the order in which each letter appears in the alphabet.  Now write down the numerical value of each letter in your entire name, as the letters occur in the alphabet, then add them all up, and the total will give you the numerical value of your name.   You do have a number, as well as a name!
     This is not simply playing with numbers.  This is an established numerical truth, just as accurate as the name your parents gave to you when you were born.  The total value of each of the letters in your name, added up, is your own "life number," whether some readers choose to believe it or not. 
The Number of the anti-christ
     The inspired Word explicitly states that "the number of the beast" [anti-christ] is "Six hundred threescore and six [666], and emphasizes that it is "the number of a man," and can be counted by those to whom spiritual "understanding" has been given.  In other words, the prophesied anti-christ is a true human, just like all the rest of us humans. 
     If any reader is looking for some fallen angel to miraculously come down to earth, and transform himself into the anti-christ, they are looking in error and in vain.  As the anti-christ comes on the world scene, he will be just "a man," like other men.  But the question I am concerned with in this Bible Study, is.......
WHEN is the anti-christ to be Revealed? 
     It is commonly believed and taught,that the anti-christ will come during the Tribulation period.  Gee!  It takes real spiritual growth for someone to figure that out, since we find the anti-christ repeatedly mentioned in the Tribulation period Scriptures in Revelation.  2 Timothy 2:15 is still in the Bible! 
     However, in this study I have no intention of just skimming over the surface on the subject.  The inspired Word is very explicit about the timing of the revealing of the anti-christ, even if some of God's people have overlooked or ignored it.  According to the inspired Apostle Paul, the revealing of the anti-christ first has to do with his revelation to the Lord's Church and New Covenant believers, before he is revealed to the unbelieving lost world.  No one has ever previously pointed out this truth to you?  Well let's just study this truth in the Word for ourselves.....
The Lord's Church is not in Darkness
1 Thessalonians 5:1-11
     The Apostle Paul, writing by Divine Inspiration, to the Lord's Church at Thessalonica, explicitly told that church, "But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day [the day of the Lord; Tribulation period] should overtake you as a thief," 1 Thess. 5:4.  I highly suspect that Paul was moved by the Holy Spirit to make this statement, due to the fact that the Lord Jesus Christ Himself had previously told His disciples, "Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them [unbelieving Christ rejectors] it is not given," Matthew 13:11. 
     Dear readers, whether some want to believe the Word or not, we who are true believers have been given spiritual discernment, enabling us to know and understand spiritual truths, which the unbelieving lost world do not know and are spitually incapable of discerning, 1 Corinthians 2:12-16.  Isn't it about time some true believers start understanding and believing this truth?  Well...??
The Prophetic Order of End-Time Events
     Surely every serious student of Bible prophecy knows that there is an order set forth in the Scriptures for the fulfillment of the prophesied end-time events?   The general prophetic order is:
     [1] The appearing of the Lord in the heavens above the earth, Colossians 3:4; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18.
     [2]   The resurrection and rapture of the "dead in Christ" and all New Covenant believers which "are alive and remain," 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18.
     [3]   The beginning of "the day of the Lord" [Tribulation period] following the rapture, Revelation 4:1-2; 5:1; 5:6-7; 6:1. 
     Now I inserted this general order to emphasize that the Lord God never, never, never violates His own inspired Word.  Therefore, the events prophesied will occur in the exact order set forth in the Word. 
Again, When will the anti-christ be Revealed?
2 Thessalonians 2:1-8
     Now going back to the timing of the revealing of the anti-christ.  Paul explicitly stated in writing to the Lord's Church at Thessalonica, "Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come except [1] there come a falling away first, and [2] that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition," 2 Thessalonians 2:3.  I urge our readers to read the entire passage right on through verse 8. 
     Dear readers, this is one of the most important portions of prophetic Scripture to be found in God's Word, dealing with the timing of the coming of Christ, and also the revealing of the anti-christ.  If the reader wants to know the truth on this subject, then STUDY these Scriptures carefully and pay attention to what is said.
     Notice carefully in this inspired Scripture that TWO events are prophesied to occur BEFORE "the day of the Lord."  The "day of the Lord" refers to the seven year Tribulation period.  Paul, speaking by inspiration, clearly states that it will not begin until these two events have been fulfilled or come to pass. 
     The first of these two events is "a falling away."  The Greek text is quite clear that this is referring to an apostasy on the part of many today who call themselves "Christians."  Folks, it is here!  It is happening right before our eyes and while I write.  The "falling away" began in the 1970's and it is still going on today.  But it is only the first of two events prophesied by Paul to occur prior to "the day of the Lord" beginning. 
     The second event prophesied to occur before the Tribulation begins is "the man of sin" being revealed.  I am well aware that some believers commonly teach that the anti-christ will not be revealed until the Tribulation begins.  Be careful what you say and teach!  This is not what the inspired Apostle said in 2 Thessalonians 2:3.  Go back and carefully read this passage again, and believe what it says, Romans 3:4. 
     What this Scripture does say is that the anti-christ will be "revealed."  But to whom?   It is glaringly obvious that in the context in which this passage occurs, Paul is speaking to the Lord's Church, informing the church about the "revealing" of the anti-christ.  It is just as obvious to the serious student of Bible prophecy that the anti-christ will not be revealed to the lost, unbelieving, world until some point during the Tribulation period.  But this does not mean that he couldn't be revealed to the Lord's Church and true believers before the Tribulation.  After all, it is true believers who have been given spiritual discernment, 1 Corinthians 2:12-14.
     The only thing stated in this passage that might give some the idea that the anti-christ will not be revealed until during the Tribulation is 2:6, "revealed in his time."  But if our readers will look up this expression in the Greek Bible, or a Greek Lexicon, they will find that this literally means, "appointed time."  See Thayer's Greek Lexicon, pages 318-319, Strong's No. 2540.  In other words, this expression does not mean that the revealing of the anti-christ is restricted only to the Tribulation period, but rather to whatever time has been "appointed" for him to be revealed.  Paul tells us that this "appointed time" for the anti-christ to be revealed is before "the day of the Lord."  Therefore it will be during this present "church age."  This settles the matter!
     The Glaring Simple Truth
     I am one who believes that the anti-christ, being born a human child, is alive today, and has been growing up and living for many years.  It should then be no problem for the Lord God of Heaven to reveal the identity of the anti-christ to true believers before the Tribulation begins, just as the inspired Apostle clearly stated. 
     Now, due to information received by me, I believe the Lord God has done exactly that.......
The "Sign" Above all "Signs"
     God's people who seriously study Bible prophecy have been talking about the many "signs" of the end-time, which have occurred over the past few years, and which are still occurring.  These "signs" clearly indicate that we are now living in the end-time, and swiftly approaching the time of the Lord's appearing to resurrect and rapture His people to glory. 
     Just this past week the American people watched the great Solar Eclipse cross our nation.  I know that many of God's people believe that the Solar Eclipse was a "sign" from the Lord God that this present dispensation is almost ready to end with the resurrection and rapture of all true believers to glory, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18. 
     Now, right along with all of the other "signs" which have occurred, wouldn't the revealing of the anti-christ be "the sign" that tops them all off, and makes the true believer to know that in a few more days, or a few more minutes, our Lord will come for us, and we will be with the Lord for ever?   Glory to God!  Praise the Lord!  Hallelujah! 
     Don't hem or haw around as you think about this!  Wouldn't the revealing of the anti-christ right now, be the most astounding "sign" of all the "signs" which have this far occurred?  Yes or No? 
      Every honest reader knows that the revealing of the anti-christ would be the climatic "sign" of all the "signs" the Lord has given to us.  Well, I have some great news for those who are willing to humble themselves and truly believe what the Word actually and literally says. 
The anti-christ Has Now Been Revealed!
     Yes, right at the "appointed time," before "the day of the Lord," the anti-christ has been revealed, exactly as Paul said that he would be. 
     Even as I write, I have laying on my desk a photo of the "man" who is to become the prophesied anti-christ.  Before even reading the article which accompanied this man's photo, as I looked at his photo, I received a deep impression that this man will have a great role to play in fulfilling the end-time prophecies of God's Word.  Then as I read the article accompanying the photo, I was made to tremble with excitement, and praise the Lord, as my first impression was  confirmed.
     This man's name is ABDUL EL-SAYED.  Put his name in the "search machine" on your own computer, and you can find loads of information about him. 
      Mr. Sayed is a highly educated Muslim medical doctor from Detroit, Michigan.  He is an American citizen, having been born in this country 32 years ago on October 31, 1984.  He is a physician, a public health advocate, and in Michigan is a well known politician.  He is currently seeking to be elected as the Governor of Michigan.  He is a Democrat and is running on the Democratic ticket.  However, his ambitions are to serve as the President of the United States of America.  He will be eligible to run for the office of President in 2020.
      He is now 32 years of age.  Think about this!  At the middle of the coming Tribulation period, three and a half years from now, the time when the anti-christ is revealed to the whole world, according to Revelation 13, this man will be exactly 36 years of age.  Now add up all of the numbers from 1 through 36, and the total will be 666, "the number of the beast," Revelation 13:18.  Is this just "coincidence?"  If a reader thinks so, please contact me at once for a "real deal" on some seacoast property in Kansas.  Sic!
     Mr. Sayed is a Rhodes Scholar.  His education and "grooming" was financed by George Soros, an extremely rich and wicked Jew, who  strongly advocates  a one world government for all of mankind.   Mr. Sayed is George Soros protege, whom Mr. Soros has been "grooming" for the position of becoming a world ruler.  Mr. Sayed is a charismatic speaker, quite friendly, has a great personality, is well liked, and already has people in Washington campaigning for him in his future run for the President of America. 
     All of this background information is interesting, but what makes me so sure he will be the future anti-christ?   HIS NAME! 
     Dear readers, does Revelation 13:18 say that the anti-christ [beast] can be identified by counting his number, or does it not?  Every honest reader knows that it does!  So let's just "count the number of the beast," as 13:18 says to do.......
     Again, the man's name is Abdul El-Sayed.   Using the English alphabet, the count of his name is as follows: 
          A     =        1               E     =      5               S       =        19
          B     =        2               L     =    12              A       =           1
          D     =        4                                                 Y       =        25
          U     =      21                                                E        =           5
          L      =      12                                                D       =           4
                          _____                         _____                                 _____
                            40                             17                                   54        =     111
     For those readers who have never seriously studied Bible Numerics, "40" is the number in the Bible which signifies "testing or trial."  The inspired Word is filled with forty year periods of testing that well illustrate the meaning of this Bible number. 
     "17" is the number in the Bible which signifies "Victory."  Mr. Sayed is the man who, following in the footsteps of ancient Nimrod [Genesis 10:8-10], is going to achieve victory as he becomes ruler over the whole world. 
     "54" is the number in the Bible which signifies "spirit; a spirit; the security of the believer sealed by the Holy Spirit."   Obviously it will not be the Spirit of God dwelling in this man, but rather "another spirit," 2 Corinthians 11:3-4. 
     But all three of these numbers in the name of Mr. Sayed add up to a total of "111."  From my own studies in Biblical Numerics, I am convinced that this is the number in the Bible signifying "the Satanic Trinity." This Satanic Trinity, in operation during the coming Tribulation period, is composed of Satan, the anti-christ, and the false prophet.  See Revelation 12:3-4, 12:9, 13:1-2, and 13:11-12. 
The Devil's Alphabet
     The calculation of Mr. Sayed's name is fascinating enough using the English alphabet.  But how much more so, if we use Satan's own alphabet to expose the truth about this man. 
     This is not something I have dreamed up.  This alphabet has been in common use for centuries by unbelieving wicked people, who are involved in demon worship, witchcraft, black magic, fortune telling, and other of the so-called "black arts."  These people use this alphabet when writing, in order to hide their plans and evil from the authorities and general public.  What the Devil's Alphabet consist of is assigning the number "6" to each letter of the alphabet in ascending order.  In other words, they make A = 6, B = 12, C = 18, etc. 
     Using the Devil's Alphabet to count the numerical value of Mr. Sayed's  name is highly revealing.  Read on.......
          A       =         6               E     =       30                 S     =       114
          B       =       12              L     =        72                A     =            6
          D       =       24                                                      Y     =       150
          U       =    126                                                      E      =          30
          L        =       72                                                      D     =          24
                          _______                             _______                             _______
                           240                                102                                324      =   666
     When I used this Devil's Alphabet to count the numerical value of the name, Abdul El-Sayed, I didn't have to do it a second time.  The very first count added up to 666.  Plain enough!  Check it out for yourself. 
     The "sign" of the anti-christ being revealed is now here, right along with all of the other "signs" we have been shown over the past few years. 
What This Then Means
     The "revealing" of the anti-christ at this time, then means that there is no Scriptural reason left, to my knowledge, to prevent the Lord Jesus from coming to resurrect and rapture His people to glory at any minute of any day now.  2 Thessalonians 2:3 has been fulfilled, right to the letter, exactly as stated.  Therefore, it is time for the Lord Jesus to come for His people, and for the terrible Tribulation to begin on the earth.  The Tribulation judgments will begin to be poured out upon those left behind on the earth, following the resurrection and rapture of the Lord's Church and  all true believers.  The time has arrived!
     If any reader is not ready when the "trumpet" sounds, you will have waited too long to get ready.  You will be left behind to face the seven years of the terrible Tribulation period.  Now, I mean right now, read again 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, and if you do not have the assurance of forgiven sin and salvation in Christ Jesus, RUN to seek the Lord as your own personal Savior while there is still time.  For those reading this study, it is a now or never situation.   Hurry!  Rush!  I want to meet you in Heaven.  May God grant His GRACE to every reader is my prayer. 
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     Permission is granted to any true believer or Bible believing Christian ministry to reproduce this study to share with others.  Please do! 
     I truly thank every reader from my heart, who prays for this Bible Study ministry, and those who from time to time feel led of the Lord to support this ministry with your gifts.  Thank you all so very much. 
     Any reader desiring to contact me, can reach me by snail mail at:  Pastor F. M. Riley, 14275 County Road 8120, Rolla, Missouri 65401, or I can be reached by calling my cell phone number, 573-201-0491.   Due to my location, I do have signal problems with my phone.  If those who call, can't get through the first time you call, just keep trying.  My email address is at the top of this email. 
     God bless every reader is my prayer. 
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