Fay (3 Sep 2017)
"Clear distinction between Christianity and Islam"

Of course, we all understand the distinction. Jesus Christ v Allah?? No competition. However, I found this video clip to be the one that will most reverberate with secular womanhood in the West. Focus on how LORD Jesus interacted with women. Kind and gentle. The Bible urges men to treat and love their women as Christ loves the true church. I am quite happy to leave the big decisions to my husband. It's a relief, if truth be told. It's interesting that my hubby says he wears the pants but I'm the one that chooses the pants. Hahaha. Probably true in most households. I'm surmising it was true in the Garden of Eden as well !! Women do not recognise their power. Which is why evil will always attempt to keep women weak and downtrodden. I must add that there are evil, manipulative women out there, who DO recognise their power and use it to cause misery and unhappiness. What a rotten world.

Why Don't Feminists Fight for Muslim Women?