Fay (3 Sep 2017)
"N Korea's New Threat"

Hours after I posted the "Shot across the bow" email, I came across this cheerful nugget. Japan is rightfully alarmed. I can't help thinking that Kim Jong-Un is almost a cartoon caricature of an evil villain. Seriously - one couldn't get more cartoonish. Chubby, child-like and inherently evil. As Idi Amin was. Totally insane. Are we being fed some sort of "end of days" scenario? The powers that be, mimicking prophecy? Feeding us a line but fulfilling prophecy itself, in the process? I ask because they are all so ridiculous. That mentally dangerous people like this, can hold the entire world to ransom? In this day and age of James Bond type assassinations - the Western powers allow this little toad to call the shots?

Hmmm. The mind doth both wonder and boggle

North Korea claims it has developed advanced hydrogen bomb