David Meade (25 Sep 2017)
"The Last Day of the Feast of Tabernacles - 2017 - Creation Calendar"


By David Meade


My most recent astronomical cryptography of the imminent judgments approaching begins in the week of October 21st in 2017.  The September 23, 2017 Great Sign of the Woman in Revelation 12: 1-5 is the starting point for this calculation.  It’s a once-in-human history event locked in by God Himself.  Two further iterations bring us to October 15th and then October 21, 2017 – the final date.  It would require a chapter in a book to explain my calculations.  Only a Cray Supercomputer could have determined the many variables and factors in this calculation.  Actually only God Almighty. This agrees with what I see happening on the earth – the Pentagon is locked and loaded for a solution against the crazed leader of North Korea.  Time is almost over.

The solar eclipse on August 21 was a scriptural sign of God’s judgment on our nation, and judgment came swiftly afterwards.  James Bailey, founder of Z3 News, recently wrote the following:

There is no mistaking which nation was targeted by the August 21 eclipse because it only passed over one, the United States. That was last month, and since then we have yet to make it through one whole week without a significant life-threatening event.

  • August 26 – Five days after the eclipse, hurricane Harvey made landfall in Texas. (Source: Wikipedia)
  • August 28 – Seven days after the eclipse, North Korea, one of the United States’ biggest enemies, carried out one of its most provocative missile tests in recent years, firing a ballistic missile directly over Japan. (Source: New York Times)
  • September 3 – Thirteen days after the eclipse, North Korea tested a Hydrogen bomb, provoking the US and her allies in the region. (Source: NPR)
  • September 9 – Nineteen days after the eclipse, hurricane Irma made landfall in Florida. (Source: Wikipedia)
  • September 10 – Twenty days after the eclipse, 123 catastrophic forest fires are scorching forests and grasslands across the West and the Northwest, making this one of the worst wildfire seasons in memory, including California, Oregon, Washington, Montana and other states. (Source: NPR)

The eclipse was celebrated as a once in a lifetime event, but another one is coming on April 8 2024, in the seventh year after the first eclipse, but more precisely, six years, six months, six weeks plus a few days.

The 2017 eclipse formed a diagonal line across our nation from northwest to southeast. The 2024 eclipse will form a line from southwest to northeast, with the two lines intersecting right over the New Madrid fault line.

Z3er Sandra received a powerful word from God regarding the two solar eclipses. Sandra was saved at age 19 and called by God as a prophetess at age 21. She and her husband have worked as missionaries for about 20 years. Last week, she said this:

Regarding the recent solar eclipse, the Lord had been telling me for the last few years, “Dark days are coming”. Recently, He said “The solar eclipse that crossed the United States on August 21, 2017, was a sign that dark days are here. This solar eclipse and the one to come on April 8, 2024, are like bookends with seven years of judgment and harvest in between.”

Sandra’s warning confirms many other prophetic words telling us judgment on the United States has started. By connecting the two eclipses with the start and ending dates, Sandra has identified the exact length of the period of judgment and harvest.

In December 2015, prophet Brian Carn also saw a time of judgment coming upon America from 2017 to 2024. He also saw 2024 marking the end of America as we have known it. He saw there will be an attempt to rebuild it in 2024, but it will never again be what it was.

All of this above confirms what I felt on Aug 21, 2017. We will soon discover that North Korea has a nuclear ICBM. This is the beginning of the end. The next eclipse falls exactly 7 years later. There are NO coincidences with God. People that don’t hear His voice simply try to explain things away by science, or by reasoning. There is no “reasoning” this one away.

His plan is coming to fruition, and it is happening whether we want it to or notread Planet X – The 2017 Arrival to become prepared.  On the heels of the massive hurricanes, my book explains how the next judgments will be super-earthquakes (above 9.0), caused by the approach of the Planet X System. 

Jeremiah 33:3 'Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.'