Bob Ware (10 Sep 2017)
"153, 234, 2368 (JESUS CHRIST), 2701 (GN 1:1) and 22 September 2017"


In last week’s letter I was watching for a major earthquake on 3 September 2017. As I wrote, there have been 5 earthquakes of 9.0+ magnitude since the start of the 20th century. They were spaced exactly 9 x 2368 inclusive days apart. 2368 is the Greek gematria of ‘JESUS CHRIST’. The 5th earthquake in this series happened in Japan on 11 March 2011. 11 March 2011 plus 2368 days was 3 September 2017. A 6.3 earthquake was recorded in North Korea on 3 September 2017. It is believed to have been caused by North Korea testing a hydrogen bomb. It was not the magnitude of the earthquake, but its cause and location that made it the lead story in the world news that day. 5 days later on 8 September 2017 an 8.1 earthquake struck off the coast of Mexico. It occurred very close to the midpoint between the 5 major earthquakes of 9.0+ since the start of the 20th century.


I have been writing about the significance of prime numbers for 22 years. I discovered many anomalies in a list created from the first 305 prime numbers (including Unity) that fall within the range of 1 to 2010. Mathematicians do not consider 1 (or Unity) to be a prime number. If you exclude Unity (a number for ‘God’) from this list of prime numbers, then all the interconnected patterns revealed in this letter will disappear. Within this list of primes there is a series of numbers in a symmetrical pattern that yielded the exact number of days from Israel’s rebirth on 14 May 1948 to 11 September 2001. There was another series of 5 consecutive primes where the sum of the last two equaled the gematria of ‘JESUS CHRIST’ (2368). This series precisely intersected a series of 4 that also totaled 2368. The series of 5 primes totaled 5,855 (5 is the number for grace and 855 is the sum of the ASCII codes for ‘JESUS CHRIST’). It will be 5,855 days from 11 September 2001 to the first day of the fall season this year (22 September 2017).


I laid out this list of primes within the range of 1 to 2010 by the prime factoring of its 305 numbers: 5 (columns) x 61 (rows). I discovered the center 17 rows of the first 3 columns held anomalies connecting historical events. I called this section of the list the ‘Prime Cube’. The sum of the four corners of the ‘Prime Cube’ is 2010 (the range of the ‘Prime List’). The sum of the four points of a cross centered in this ‘Prime Cube’ is 1948. The 5,855 days from 11 September 2001 to 22 September 2017 equals: 2010 + 1948 + 1897 (the year of the First Zionist Congress).


The ‘Prime Cube’ has 51 prime numbers. They have 51 placeholders within the list and 51 placeholders within the ‘Prime Cube’ itself. That is a total of 153 values. The sum of all 153 values within the ‘Prime Cube’ is 31,107. 31,107 equals the 31,102 verses in the Bible plus 5 (the number for ‘grace’). The 17th triangle number is 153. The sum of the first 17 triangle numbers is 969 which is the longest lifespan in the Bible. The first point of the ‘Prime Cross’ is the 9th number within the ‘Prime Cube’ and the 31st prime number (113). 9 + 31 + 113 equals: 153. The last point of the ‘Prime Cross’ is the 153rd prime number (881). 881 is the exact center of this ‘Prime List’. There were exactly 153 fish in the net in John 21:11 for a reason. When they picked up the four corners of the net the 153 fish would have fallen to the center of the net. 881 is also the sum of the ASCII codes for ‘King David’. The sum of the first 9 prime numbers within the ‘Prime Cube’ (79 to 113) is 881. The sum of the four corners of this ‘Prime List’ equals: 2 x 1917.


The sum of the last 26 prime numbers within the ‘Prime Cube’ (467 to 941) equals the 19,478 days from Israel’s rebirth on 14 May 1948 to 11 September 2001. 19,478 could represent the years 1947-8 from the partition of Israel in 1947 to its declaration of statehood in 1948. When 19,478 is the area of a circle the radius rounds off to 79 (the first number within the ‘Prime Cube’). The diameter rounds off to 157 which is the composite number gematria of ‘JESUS’. In my diagram I highlighted this set of 26 primes totaling 19,478 in yellow. 467 is the sum of three different gematrias for ‘God’ (86 Hebrew + 99 prime + 282 ASCII). 467 plus the gematria of Genesis 1:1 (2701) equals the Greek gematria of ‘LORD JESUS CHRIST’ (3168). 467 is the 92nd prime number. There have been 92 earthquakes of 8.0+ magnitude since the start of the 20th century. The sum of the 9 placeholders (92 to 100) for the prime numbers 467 to the south point of the ‘Prime Cross’ (523) is 864. 864 is the gematria of ‘JERUSALEM’ and also ‘SAINTS’.


There is a series 5 consecutive prime numbers in column 4 that total 5,855. They are the 192nd (1153) to the 196th (1187). The sum of the first two in this series plus their placeholders is the gematria of Genesis 1:1 (2701). The sum of the last two in this series (1181 + 1187) is 2368 (‘JESUS CHRIST’). 11 September 2001 plus 5,855 days will be 22 September 2017 (the first day of the fall season). The 51st prime number is 229 (22nd of September?). Again, 855 is the sum of the ASCII codes for ‘JESUS CHRIST’. The three sets of 31 prime numbers that total the number of days from 14 May 1948 to 22 September 2017 fall in columns 2, 3 and 4 of the ‘Prime List’. 2, 3 and 4 form the number string ‘234’. 11 September 2001 was the 234th day in office for George Walker Bush. The birth of the United States in 1776 (2 x 888) plus 234 years was 2010 (the range of the ‘Prime List’). 467 is located in the exact center of the ‘Prime Cube’ and the center value of 467 is 234.


22 September 2017 is the third day of the Jewish year 5778. 5,855 minus 5778 equals: 77. There were 77 inclusive generations from God to Jesus through King David’s son Nathan. The 234th prime number is 1471. 234 + 1471 equals 1705. There are 1705 composite numbers that fall within the range of 1 to 2010. The ‘Prime Cube’ starts with the 23rd prime number 79. The sum of all 56 composite numbers preceding 79 is 2368. The decimal number 2368 equals the hexadecimal number 940. The decimal number 940 is the last (omega) composite number to fall within the range of the ‘Prime Cube’ values. There are 6,940 (+ or - 1) days in each 19-year Jewish calendar cycle. 1948 + 1967 + 2017 equals: the 5,855 days from 11 September 2001 to 22 September 2017 plus the 77 generations from God the Jesus.


Again, 113 is the first point of the ‘Prime Cross’. Multiply the first 33,214 whole numbers by Pi and 113 x Pi will yield the closest result to a whole number: 113 x Pi = 354.9999699. 354.9999699 rounds off to 355. The exact average value of 113 and 355 is 234. 22 September 2017 will be the 355th day of the 305th 19-year Jewish calendar cycle. Note, there are 305 prime numbers that make up my ‘Prime List’. The 305th Jewish calendar cycle began on 2 October 2016. From 14 May 1948 to 2 October 2016 was 24,978 days. 24,978 is the sum of all 929 Old Testament chapter numbers. It is no coincidence that the Greek gematria of ‘JESUS CHRIST’ (2368) divided by Pi rounds off to the Hebrew gematria for ‘Yeshua HaMeshiach’ (754).


It will be 25,333 days from 14 May 1948 to 22 September 2017. 25,333 is the sum of the 35 consecutive prime numbers from the 113th (613) to the 147th (839). 113 plus 147 equals the 260 chapters in the New Testament. The 147th prime number is the 37th prime number within the ‘Prime Cube’. 37 is the third Star of David number. There are 37 days difference between seven prophetic years (2520 days) and seven solar years (2557 days). 37 days have 888 hours. The sum of the very next 27 consecutive prime numbers from the 148th (853) to the 174th (1031) equals the 25,383 days from 14 May 1948 to 11 November 2017. The sum of the 15 consecutive prime numbers from the 259th (1627) to the 273rd (1747) also equals the 25,383 days from 14 May 1948 to 11 November 2017. 259 is the gematria of the first tribe name on the Breastpiece in Exodus. The prime factoring of 259 is: 7 x 37. From 22 September 2017 to 11 November 2017 is 50 days, or 51 inclusive days.


There is a second set of consecutive prime numbers that total the 25,333 days from 14 May 1948 to 22 September 2017. They are the 338th (2269) to the 348th (2341) primes. Subtract the sum of their 11 placeholders (3773) from the 35 placeholders for the first set of consecutive primes totaling 25,333 (4550) and the result is 777.


11 September 2001 was the 1441st day of the last 19-year Jewish calendar cycle. 1441 is the sixteenth Star of David number. 14:41 military time is the 881st minute of a day. 1441 is the sum of the ASCII codes for the last two books in the Bible: ‘Jude’ (392) plus ‘Revelation’ (1049). Starting with Unity, 1441 is the 113th palindrome. 1441 is the exact average value of the two sets of three prime numbers that make up the horizontal (113 + 467 + 881) and vertical (431 + 467 + 523) bars of the ‘Prime Cross’. The 14th prime number is 41. This is a unique relationship where the placeholder for the prime is the mirror image of that prime number. The sum of the first four prime numbers in the 14th row of the ‘Prime List’ (41 + 373 + 761 + 1193) is 2368. The fourth number in this series (1193) immediately follows the two consecutive primes (1181 and 1187) that total 2368. This symmetrical alignment of two sets of primes totaling 2368 can only occur by laying out the first 305 prime numbers by the prime factoring of 305: 5 (columns) x 61 (rows).


Some miscellaneous interrelated notes:


There are 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet. The sum of the first 22 prime numbers, leading up to the start of the ‘Prime Cube’, is 713 which is the prime number gematria of ‘JESUS CHRIST’. The first number within the ‘Prime Cube’ is the 23rd prime number 79. The 23rd triangle number is 276. The 79th element is gold and each atom of gold has 276 elementary particles. 276 is the sum of the placeholders for each of the two sets of three prime numbers that make up the bars of the ‘Prime Cross’. The 276th prime number is 1,777. 276 + 1,777 equals 2053 which is the 19th Star of David number. There were 276 on board in Acts 27:37.


There are 51 prime numbers within the ‘Prime Cube’. The United States is made up of 50 states plus the District of Columbia. The first point of the ‘Prime Cross’ is the 31st prime number. The 31st triangle number is the third perfect number (496). There are 31 words in the ‘Pledge of Allegiance’. There are 44 prime numbers that bracket each column of the ‘Prime Cube’. Trump is the 44th different President. Grover Cleveland was officially both the 22nd and the 24th President. The sum of the three points that make up the horizontal bar of the ‘Prime Cross’ (113 + 467 + 881) is 1461. There are 1461 days in the four years of one Presidential term. Since the Presidents are inaugurated on the 20th of January, the 1441st day of their term is always on the 31st of December. Again, the 31st prime number is 113 which is the first of the three primes totaling 1461. During part of 22 September 2017 in the United States it will already be 23 September 2017 (the day of the Revelation 12 sign) in Israel.


The ‘Prime Cube’ begins with the 23rd prime number 79 (gold). The sum of the 82 consecutive prime numbers from the 23rd (79) to the 104th (563) is 25,088. It was 25,088 days from 14 May 1948 to 20 January 2017 - the day Trump was inaugurated.


Column 1 of the ‘Prime Cube’ ends with the 39th prime number. There are 39 books in the Old Testament. The 39th prime number is the 17th prime number within the ‘Prime Cube’. The last 17 books of the Old Testament are the major and minor prophets.


1013 is the prime number gematria of ‘LORD JESUS CHRIST’. 1013 is the 171st prime number. (1013 + 171) x 2 equals: 2368. 1544 is the sum of the ASCII codes for ‘Lord Jesus Christ’. 1013 + 1544 equals the 2557 days in seven solar years. The sum of all 17 prime numbers in column 3 of the ‘Prime Cube’ is 14,999. 14,999 equals: the 5,855 from 11 September 2001 to 22 September 2017 plus 8 x the sum of the ASCII codes for ‘Jesus Christ’ (1143).


2701 is the gematria of Genesis 1:1. Mathematicians consider 24,317 to be the 2701st prime number. At that point, 1 out of 9 numbers are primes.


For clarity I have simplified the attached diagram of the ‘Prime List’ by omitting a great deal of information.