TH (25 Sep 2016)


     What did GOD do with Adam ?  HE walked and Talked with him.  Why is this
especially mentioned in Scripture ?  We can assume GOD LIKED doing that with
HIS Creation.  HE sent HIS SON to Reconcile HIS subsequent Creations to HIMSELF,
so HE could continue doing what HE apparently liked (loved?) doing.  We know HE
must have Loved Adam, even tho' he disappointed HIM by disobeying what GOD
laid down as a "rule". The CROSS was the pivotal event for making man's reconciliation
"Possible".  There are Conditions to this "Possibility".  What was it that came between
GOD and Adam?  Adam DIDN'T OBEY GOD.  We can assume, rightly, that OBEDIENCE
is a Necessary component of the Reconciliation JESUS made POSSIBLE.  JESUS
HIMSELF made a (many) point(s) of this in HIS Ministry to ALL who would BELIEVE
in HIM.  Adam certainly "Believed" IN GOD, but didn't OBEY HIM.  It then stands to
Reason that JESUS would Require OBEDIENCE just as HIS FATHER did with Adam.
JESUS said: (para.) "you call ME Lord, Lord, but you don't do as I ask".  In other
words, you know who I AM, but you don't OBEY ME.  HE must have known that
OBEYING was something HIS FATHER was/is keen on, and therefore made a strong
point of it to HIS followers, often !  Is that the Difference between the Goats and HIS
SHEEP?  SHEEP follow (Obey) the Shepherd, and Goats don't .  Goats wonder off
and act independently and are a lot harder to control. That's why Goat herders were
thought of as being lesser than Sheep herders. They probably had to do a lot of
chasing and therefore had a less desirable job. Troublesome, those Goats !  So what
can we derive of this.....?  Surely that Obedience must be a deciding factor, as it was so
often made mention of, both in the Old and New Testament and MOST importantly
by JESUS HIMSELF & so Often. So, if we want to be counted as HIS SHEEP, we should do
as JESUS asked us to do.  And what was/is that ?  Put on HIS YOKE and turn your
Life over to the Leading by ...HIM, as our Shepherd.  HIS SHEEP ......."hear MY VOICE"
        IF you don't HEAR HIS can you OBEY HIM ?

                                MARANATHA !
                                                                        Acts 5:32      1John 2:27    1 Thes. 5:9
                                         T H
                                                                            IF...the HOLY SPIRIT is Living in you,
                                                                              HE doesn't dwell there in Silence !
                                                                          So if you don't HEAR HIM, HE isn't there.