The C O S T
"Be sure to weigh the COST" What cost ? The cost of putting HIS YOKE on
your shoulders and letting HIM take over your Life. HE LEADS.....we OBEY !
This was/is MY COST. Wife, Home, Summer Home, Country Club, Yachts,
Caddy, Brothers, Sisters, ALL Relatives ( save my son and one uncle ) Friends,
Career, and 95% of my possessions. Not everyone is willing to pay a price like
that. Nor WILL everyone be required to pay that much....each person has a
"Price" assigned to them. The above was my price, your's may be less (or more)
only HE determines what your Cost will be. Hebrews 10:13......if I was a Tattoo guy
I'd have that verse Tattoo'ed on the back of my right hand. HE also foils any attempt
to re-acquire any of the forfeited assets. I've learned not to try. HE does see to my
DAILY needs however, if I have the Patience to Wait for HIM to do so. It's tough
some times though, but HE NEVER fails. If you have the ability to step outside
yourself, the process is an amazing thing to watch. Things happen at the last
moment so often, it seems like "They" are exacting all possible patience I have.
And it happens way too often for it Not to be orchestrated by "Them". So it really
IS a Faith Builder. I wouldn't be able to endure it, if it wasn't. Also, I have quit asking
HIM for relief or stuff, understanding that HE is totally in charge and it is a PROCESS.
It is the "Narrow Road" that "few" ever find and continue on. Why "walk" it ? To be
CLOSER to HIM of course, and continue to be, throughout Eternity. It is a system
HE set up for us so we can "suffer" w/ HIM and become "fox hole" buddies. At first
it is very hard to accept and continue. Without HIS VOICE of Comfort and
Encouragement it would be impossible to walk this path. But having HIM with you,
helping you, LOVING you, you walk it with a smile and an inner Peace that would be
un-attainable otherwise. The result is, the Priceless KNOWING HIM and HIS LOVE.
HE WANTS us to succeed and finish the "Race" HE WAITS...with Crown in hand.