Judith (25 Sep 2016)
"The First & The Last - The Early & Later Rains - RAPTURE?"

The First & The Last - The Early & Later Rains - RAPTURE?

Thought I would share some interesting dates that form a pattern, also
corresponding together as well as having historical significance. Then
see how they seem to fit with the scripture verses.

This year, October 11/12, 2016 on the 365.25/day calendar corresponds
to March 9/10, 2046 on the 360/day calendar.

March 9/10 was the date Israel arrived in the Promise Land (Gilgal)
followed by their first Passover on March 14. Also, the day when Jesus
went into Jerusalem just before Passover.

October 11/12, 2016 matches the Ascension date for the 360/day in 31.5
ad - (it was on April 26/27, 31 ad on the 365.25/day. Also, May 14, 1948 is
when Israel became a Nation on the 365.25/day which corresponded to
October 12, 1976 on the 360/day.

March = the "EARLY RAIN" (Spring rain) while October = the "LATER
RAIN" (Autum rain). In this case, Israel is the "EARLY RAIN" while the
Church is the "LATER RAIN". James 5:7.

In this case, March is the "FIRST"month while October is the "LAST"
month. However, the "LAST" shall be "FIRST" and the "FIRST"shall be
"LAST".   Matthew 19:30.

Since ISRAEL was the "FIRST" that makes the CHURCH "LAST".
However, the CHURCH will be "FIRST" and ISRAEL will be "LAST".

Perhaps, just maybe, this could be the RAPTURE dates? Definitely
high watch dates Doves.

In the meantime, be looking up as it could be any day - hopefully soon!