Judith (17 Sep 2016)
"The Current Shmitah Year Study +the  490 Yr. Cycle & Lamech"


The Current Shmitah Year Study + 490 Yr. Cycle & Lamech

On 360/day - To date
3720.9 = 523.1 bc - Year Babylon Captivity ends; temple
completed Feb. 3 & Purim Feb. 13.

2045.9 = February 13 - Purim - Our current year.
+523.1 b.c.
2569 - 7 yrs. x 367 Shmitah Cycles = 2569
2569 = March 1 - See Ezra 10:17 (Yr. 2046)
3720.9 = Feb. 13 = Purim; Feb. 3 = completion of 2nd Temple.
6289.9 = February 13, 2045.9 - Purim
NOTE: Upon completion of the 7/yr. Tribulation, would bring
the new total of Shmitah cycles to 368.
On 365.25/day - To date
3667.4 = 515.6 bc - Yr. Babylon Captivity Ends
2016.5 = September 15 - Tabernacles - Our current year.
+515.6 b.c.
2532.1= October 3, 2016
2532.1 = October 3, 2016
6199.5 = September 15 - Tabernacles (our 2016)
On 360/day -
3720.3 = End of Babylon Captivity - started July 7, 3650 + 70 yrs.
6239.9 = Feb. 12/13, 1995 (our June 4/5, 1967) Start 6/day war.
+ 50
6289.9 = Feb. 12/13, 2045 (our Sept. 14/15, 2016) Tabernacles
+ .1
6290 = March 1, 2046 - Our October 3, 2016 + 9 days
+ 7.2
6297.2 = March 10, 2046 - Our October 12, 2016.
NOTE: 6290 is 50 yr. Jubilee on 360/day and 49th yr. on 365.25/
3769.9 = Feb. 3 Temple Completed/Feb. 13 Purim
2520 = 7 x 360 = 2520 yrs.
6289 = February
Moving forward to possible Rapture & Tribulation Dates
By adding 9 days to March 1 brings the new date to March
9/10, 2046 on the 360/day which corresponds to our October
11/12, 2016 on the 365.25/day.
What significance, if any, do these two dates have? For
starters, the March 9/10 date was the date Jesus entered
Jerusalem - also the date Israel entered Gilgal after crossing
the Jordan. This arrival date was just before their first
Passover celebration on March 14.
The October 11/12 date also has significance since this was
the same date as the Ascension on the 360/day calendar which
corresponded to the April 26/27 date of Ascension on the
365.25/day. In addition, when calculating our May 14, 1948
on the 360/day that date comes to October 12, 1976.
Could the Rapture or Tribulation possibly be on October 11/12,
2016? I think so!
In 395 a.d. The Roman Empire Fell. 395 + 1651 = March, 2046 on the 360/day our October, 2016.
What significance is there to the year 1651? That is the year
Lamech, who lived 777 yrs. died - just 5 years before the flood
and 6 yrs. to the end of the flood and 7 yrs. to the first born
after the flood. See Calendar study.....
The 490 yrs. is present in the life of Lamech - 70 x 7 was his
punishment. See Gen. 4:24.

Recap.......In the year 395 the Roman Empire fell + 1651 yrs. - 7 yrs. before the 1st born - (same as above) = 2046 (our 2016 yr.)  Begin
the Revived Roman Empire and start of Tribulation which ends in
7 years when Israel as the first born among the nations is saved
after Tribulation at the conclusion of the 490th year - see a pattern

Back to the 490 yr. cycle.......since Lamech lived 777 yrs. and
490 yrs. was the punishment that means there was 287 yrs. in
his life that was not part of the punishment - 490 + 287 = 777 yrs.
These 490 year cycles overlap, in other words there are cycles within cycles but the 490 cycle that I'm showing here begins
with Adam at 130 yrs.(See Calendar Study).
490 x 4 = 1960
1960 x 3 = 5880 -
5880 + 130 = 6010 - The 130 yrs. for Adam/Seth
6010 + 287 = 6297 - End of Tribulation? 287 Same as Lamech above.
120 & 70 & 130 Years -
360/day -
48 x 130 = 6240 (our 1967 year)
52 x 120 = 6240 (our 1967 year)
88 x 70 = 6160 + 130 + 7 = 6297