Doug L (17 Sep 2016)
"Got a ticket ? DON'T MISS THE FIRST BUS !"

Two members of a family both had the same tickets to board a specific bus leaving around midnight which would take them both home and to attend a wedding the following day.
One of them, who was wise, began preparation early that morning to get ready for the journey. The wedding garments were cleaned and pressed. Since the wedding would be taking place soon after their arrival, a shower was taken, hair was trimmed and all was made ready. Being that it would be an all night journey some water and food were also prepared. Fully ready now to leave they laid down for a short rest and nap.
The other family member however, had many other things to do that day, got distracted and lost track of time. That evening - tired and exhausted from all the activity decided to take a nap thinking they would wake up in time to get their wedding clothes ready and themselves cleaned up.
Around midnight an alarm went off signaling the soon arrival of the bus and both family members woke up. The one who was ready immediately got up fully dressed and went outside to board the bus. The other being surprised and not ready quickly grabbed all their stuff and headed outside. Realizing they had forgotten to bring food and drink for the long trip - pleaded for some of the others food and drink. Not having enough they declined and suggested that they go and purchase something quickly.
But - the bus arrived and the one who was ready boarded. The one who was not ready missed the bus. However, still possessing a ticket now had time to get ready and leave at a later date on a different bus.
The first bus arrived in time for the wedding and the second bus did not. Both family members arrived home but only one attended the wedding.